Phasmophobia runs well on a GTX 1660 Super. I’m recording in 1080P at 30FPS. this is when I played a small map and we had to guess the ghost.
I’m using MSI afterburner to record the FPS.
This is using the Oculus rift S
PC specs:
GTX 1660 Super
VS 650
Oculus Rift S
Thanks for watching, I’m trying to hit 200 subs by the end of the year.
ez first comment
Been playing it for so long now with the 1660 super… Not a single problem on max settings
bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh
Why are u deleting peoples comments or is it glitched?
Do you help people WIth pc problems on ur website? i need advice on upgrades thanks
I'm struggling to play it with my 1660 6gb version lmao. There must be some optimizing im not getting correct
a Gigabyte 1660 Super with an i5 10400F, how much fps with oculus rift s?
can a ryzen 5 2400g with a gtx 1050 ti oc run with low settings?
I'm having problems with my rx 570 how do i turn down shadows
Can a ryzen 7 5700G run this at a solid 80?
I had problems playing this game even on low settings I have gtx 1660 super,ryzen 5 3600, 32GB of ram
Thanks for the vid. What resolution is it rendering at? Is this on auto on SteamVR? Not able to get these frames with the gtx1660 and an r5 3600. Doesn't look like it's cpu bottlenecked.