HALLOWEEN PHASMOPHOBIA /w SmallishBeans, Oli & InTheLittleWood

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26 thoughts on “HALLOWEEN PHASMOPHOBIA /w SmallishBeans, Oli & InTheLittleWood”

  1. The first ghost is called Michael Knight and nobody linked it to Knight Rider? aww kids these days!!
    I loved Knight Rider as a kid in the 80's but I'm 99% sure that it would be awful if I watched it now. KIT was so cool

  2. A Ouija board is basically a "Yes Yes" board in French and Swedish, Oui=Yes in French and Ja=Yes in Swedish.
    Us English speakers rarely pronounce Ouija correctly, we say wee-gee instead of wee-ja. It's the same with Karaoke, we say carry-oh-kee instead of kara-okee

  3. Watching you guys play Phasmophobia last year led me into a new friendship and a love of scary games. Thank YOU, for bringing such a positive change in my life. Also, you are so much fun to watch. 🙂 Thank you!

  4. Hey Jim! I love your phasmo streams and your other streams too. I like to listen to them in the background of my Sims game. I love hearing random chaos insue in my other tabs. Thanks bro, keep streaming!

  5. Hey Jimmy, just want to let you know how much I appreciate your streams and content here on Youtube. Due to time zone differences I've never been able to witness your streams live, but I always make sure to watch the playback. This was streamed at 1am in the morning for me!! 😅 Your consistent and hilarious uploads have a positive impact on my life (and I'm sure many others would agree). ❤︎Keep being amazing!


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