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  1. It's going to be interesting seeing if the community even comes anywhere close to finishing stage 1, let alone stage 2 or 3 of the community event.
    For reference, there's 16 days for us to complete the event. That means that the community as a whole must complete 6.25% overall progress per day in order to reach 100% event completion.
    BUT. That's not 6.25% of the progress bar, that's 6.25% of ALL THREE progress bars. Meaning that we actually need to complete 18.75% of an individual progress bar per day to get the stage 3 rewards.
    Right now, (5 hours in), the game tells me we're at 0.61% of one progress bar. We'd need to be at 3.91% to be on track for stage 3 completion, meaning that the community needs to be grinding 6.5x harder than they are right now. We'd also need to be at 1.30% of one bar completion to even reach stage 1 by the end of the event, so right now we're not even on track to unlock the first tier of rewards.
    81% identification rate, with a lot of no evidence / no sanity thrown in there.

  2. I bet the correct ghost statistic is below 20% post apocalypse update. Majority of games are novice/casual players dying with default spirit ghost selected. Even if you account for the top end of xp grinding veterans playing thousands of games, they're often speedrun-no-evidence multipliers and guess over half the time anyways

  3. Reporting in: my friend and I played and each contributed 208* points tonight! o7

    We're dying a lot though 😭 The event with the weekly proved too much for us so we played on your extreme professional custom and made a lot more progress!

    *we forgot to tally one game

  4. So far, according to steamcharts, players peaked at 4pm eastern US time, with 45k players. Right now, 9 hours after that peak, with 15d 14h left, stage 1 is at 0.69%. Nice but also not nice. Nearing half a day into the event and being just over half a percent is kinda crazy for a 16 day event with 3 stages. Really hoping there's some sort of plan to accelerate points gained or steadily reduce the max. Or that console players actually carry the event. Or that this event is gonna span every single Halloween until it's fully completed.

  5. Waiting on the release, console. I have it on steam, if only I had a reliable pc. Frames are bad. Glad it’s finally coming to console! 30 mins left, from when I wrote this.

  6. Well… I've only been playing for two days, so my accuracy is nonexistent right now. haha BUT according to my achievements, I have identified 8 different ghosts so far, with the limited items available to me. Also I've only played solo, and it's just kinda scary. 😊 I mean I just got access to the crucifix this evening.

  7. if they don't dail down the cumuninty event then this year there will be no trophy for the trophy hunters, I have all trophy's in plasmo events but this time I might not get it and that is a shame

  8. Also… that myling you thought was an onryo… we had one today, guaranteed to be a emf5 ghost (forget what it was) and it was a non emf5 ghost…. Maybe a bit broken? I have called so many onryos that turn out to be something else though too hahahaha

  9. I looped a Deo on a cursed hunt on Ridgeview for like five minutes I wish I had been recording it. Just hurling obscenities at it.

    Also did anyone else have major communication issues in game yesterday? We had to go to discord our player audio was so glitched out.

  10. in the single math equation i did which is most likely assuming no one else played phasmophobia during my single round, i got 16 points and the progress bar went up by 0.01%, so that means we need 160,000 points total for just the first stage to be complete, and apparently the average player count according to google/steam is 12,883 players, so if every player played 13 games with just guessing the ghost right, we would reach the first goal, but the goals after that i imagine will be [1.25x(first reward number)] or [1.5x(first reward number)] and then reward 3 will be [1.25x(second reward number)] or [1.5x(second reward number)], but that is just speculation i have and i could be completely wrong about that with my numbers being way too low tbh

  11. Goals will for sure be adjusted.. even cj will agree that they over assumed the goals.. and yeah there are no real number only percentage, so we can expect the checkpoints to be lowered. Maybe maybe not idk.. assuming the best scenario

  12. 23:40, for me it's always the 4th. I know that because I have 300 hours in game (After the major update that changed the evidence and all that.) And I've had plenty of Onryos. I've never had them hunt after blowing out the candle three times, it's always been the fourth. I don't know why it might be 3 for you.


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