It’s time for us to check out the NEW Asylum Map in Phasmophobia, AKA the Scariest Co-Op Horror Game Ever! Come see if I can survive the Hardest Difficulty Ghost Hunts with Dead Squirrel, RiaLuvsYou124, & Swag Dracula in my new video! (Co Op Phasmophobia Gameplay)
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The fact that drac wanted a fast boy crossed my mind like hmmm. Drac I won't question your choices.
Lol more jump scares.
I like how Bryce tells us to watch with headphones on and the lights off but yet his lights are on
Finally!!! 💜
As always love the content
been awoken by this
I’ve never heard Bryce scream that loud until now, that mic peak was something else
Normal person: there is a ghost in this house… beware
Person: Oh okay I wont go
Bryce: I heard inside is a hot and single guy-
Awesome videos and stream and thumb up to keep up the great work to Bryce have fun playing the game to 🎮🎮🎮🎮🎮🎮🎮🎮👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
If you take a picture of the ouija board it gives you more money also taking pictures of a dead body the ghost or a bone give you more money but then you would have to pick the bone up afterwards
He askes if ghosts are real and then shakes his head so its even funnier that he gets attacked.
Drac:*dancing with the wraith*
Bryce: they're such a cute couple
Banshee: this brings a tear to my eyes
The only clickbaiter I tolerate lmfao
Let's hope they will find a ghost someday
I found your channel about a week ago and no questions asked, you're on my top 3 favorite YouTubers list…Well, it's more of an imaginary list, not physical…forget i said that lol xD…and also fyi it says wraiths ALMOST never touch the ground…so they have to touch it at some point lol
22:10 MY HEART
I wasn't even scared at the shadow that appeared in the room- it was Bryce screaming that made me scream😂😭
Why do i keep on comeing back to vids on this game i dont like horrers but yet i am still here
That headbang tho
Headphone on. Check
Lights off. Heeeeell naw
Like before watching
The only time people get pissed at Bryce is when he shakes his head no to ghost existence. What about people who believe in their existence?
That jumpscared me so bad 😂😅
21:11 Ria: uhm hello
I keep hearing “Bryce Feet Unsolved” at the beginning LOL
Here's a useful tip: When the ghost is hunting don't run, the best thing to do is go in a room and hide in a corner and close the door cuz I don't think the ghost will go in a room unless it's the room it spawns or unless the door is open.
I know this from watching 39daph and personally i think she's really good at the game (in my opinion)
Bryce when you use the emf the different levels actually have meaning… lvl 1 is on,lvl 2 is a spike in activity,lvl 3 is it threw something,lvl 4 it showed it self, and lvl 5 is extremely high activity/danger
Asylum is definitely scarier
These videos are so good!! Hope it's not too long before this comes to console haha
bryce: “watch with headphones and lights off”
me: Turns off the sun
Please tell me someone else saw the ghost at 3:56
As soon as she popped in the room I got scared so bad I threw my phone
Hes make a good joker
I ship it
8:23 He's gonna scream alrightttt
ok i know I'm not the only one but this guy is super cringey
Guys please, what from are those references? I am a foreigner and I don't know them. Sorry.
I love that buzzfeed unsolved reference 😂
Someone gotta make that XD a Luigi's Mansion style ouija board! XD
Squirrels little rawr at 2:48 was so funny
Not gon lie. I jumped when that ghost just burst into the room all cool aid man style.
Squirrel is such a dork and I'm living for it 🤣🤣🤣
i love your background