He done did it! | Phasmophobia #shorts

Well, you might know what this ghost is if you watch a lot of my shorts. But even if you do, do you recognize this snail paced ghost? I mean, it’s definitely not going to catch my teammate. Could loop this guy for ages and be fine! So what is it? Well, you might recognize that he asked the ghost how old he was. And he’s 59. If you watched my How old are you? video, then you likely remember that ghost was 50 at the beginning and kept aging… which is why this one is so slow. It’s an old thaye!

Remember, gaming should be fun!

#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #shorts #phasmophobiaclips


15 thoughts on “He done did it! | Phasmophobia #shorts”

  1. Is it a deogen? Cause I remember reading in the guide that they are slow when near the player. Idk for sure, still trying to learn how to tell the ghosts apart during hunts.

  2. Some people are saying deogen but it doesn't get fast even when he gets further away. It also doesn't increase speed with line of sight like most other ghosts would and it's obviously slow, so I'm going to guess thaye.


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