Hide and Seek: EXTREME | Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge

This week’s Phasmophobia challenge – Hide and Seek: Extreme. A mix of tier 1 and tier 2 equipment, 0 sanity, 1 minute setup timer, possibly all 3 evidence (but flashlights are turned off). And ghost speed is 125%(?).

Have fun!

All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:

0 Evidence Guide:

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15 thoughts on “Hide and Seek: EXTREME | Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge”

  1. I changed my push to talk buttons to the mouse back and mouse forward side buttons, it makes it a lot easier to talk and move at the same time.

    Wish I had recorded my attempts, I got raiju/phantom/demon. The raiju was in the blue tent and dodged both crucis I had down to start a hunt. Ran to the picnic tables to loop it, but the motion sensors at the picnic table sent it sprinting so fast that it shot past me 3 times before I was able to get behind the tables. Still have no idea how I survived.

  2. Pretty sure 150% speed.
    Yeah, first words on loading in and grabbing the UV to find it not working was 'Why not give us the glowstick?!'.

    Did it six times successfully, three each with different friends, one failure, had:

    –1st Team
    – An obvious Shade right in the tent next door to the picnic tables; would not hunt until we got out the tent or once when it roamed to the campfire. Still took a while though since we couldn't get it to write in the book and we wasn't sure what was up with the challenge.
    – A Spirit that we couldn't test for (no incense) and ALSO refused to give writing! Speed was difficult to tell for Twins at 150%, although Wraith was ruled out easy enough. Went in the van for a few minutes and saw no Twinteractions. Crossed our fingers and left.
    – A Yurei that just kept hunting, favourite room was the long stretch around the back. Never got Freezing, never got Dots because it just was hardly ever there! Failed this one as all we had was Ghost Orbs and we went with Mare.
    – An Onryo that took a while. Changed rooms a bit, was around the campfire, food tent, and picnic area. T1 candles + crufix didn't work out: hunted outside of range twice, didn't hunt for a minute which did get us suspicious, then used the crucifix in the picnic area where we were at which was great and made us doubt. We had Ghost Orbs and Spirit Box; wasn't sure if Mare, Mimic, Yokai, or Onryo. Couldn't check for UV, didn't get Freezing, Ghost Writing, or DOTs, but we weren't getting lucky with those evidence types anyway. One of the team sacrificed themselves for a Yokai test, ruling that out. Mimic we ruled out after about another 4 hunts where it didn't do anything obvious. Hadn't broke any lights (and didn't want to get fooled again by picking Mare), so went with the brief suspicion on Onryo that we were left with.
    =Total Time: like an hour+.

    –2nd Team
    – Wraith, didn't step in salt when hunting.
    – Deogen, in and out.
    – Obake, shapeshifted from child to adult twice on first hunt.
    =Total Time: like 15mins, mostly loading.

    Yep. In the first team getting evidence was a real tooth puller, since the constant hunting and the poor equipment made it a nightmare to put anything down in the right place, have it actually be there doing stuff, and not being able to rule stuff out as it 'could just be this s#*t book!'. The second team did not get nor need a single piece of evidence. Sometimes the ghosts really matter!

  3. I got mad unlucky with this challenge. About 3 times I got killed on the first hunt. I got spirit twice which I can’t figure out because there’s no incense (and there’s only one evidence). One game I had a shade that did like 4 events (while I was outside of it’s room, but since it’s camp woodwind I was confused on whether I was in the room or not).

    I also got an obake which is hard because you can’t see fingerprints, and I don’t feel so comfortable looping on 150 speed without incense. The one time it did hunt it had turned off the breaker just before so I could barely see the ghost if it shapeshifted, and it killed me the next hunt. I spent like an hour and a half on this challenge lol I was so unlucky. I actually got the ghosts on Onryo, Raiju, and Wraith.

  4. i actually did not enjoy this challenge at all. ghosts kept coming to my hiding spots and or would be in the area of hiding, the speed also messed up the foot steps, thinking the hunts over..nope its just speed demoning around the camp fire so cant hear it


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