Hide And Seek: Hide Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge! Tips And Tricks!

#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagameplay #horror #th3beardedbaron
Hide And Seek: Hide Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge! Tips And Tricks!

This is 10000% the worst weekly challenge in my opinion! Hey guys, welcome back to the channel, like I said this is just the absolute worst. These ghosts are super hard to find on the highschool map and not active at all. Chat was being super feral during the matches though so let me know which comment made you laugh the most!

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6 thoughts on “Hide And Seek: Hide Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge! Tips And Tricks!”

  1. You have a minute to find the ghost room, so grab the thermo and EMF reader and see if you can get a clue. After that, use hiding spots as staging areas to rush equipment into the ghost room and get measurements. This is a 3 evidence challenge. I only rarely took in a smudge and just used the hiding spots and kept my distance when hunts were likely.

    I certainly agree Point Hope is a medium map. The developer said the map has less floor square footage than the smallest small house, but the travel time makes it medium. And sadly, just like the redone Maple Lodge, neither map really interests me much.

  2. 1:00 my grandmother make cheesey hashbrowns with toasted corn flakes on top of them which add that perfect crunch. Always look forward to it and it’s the only time I find cornflakes to be edible. Thanks for the guide Baron, I was struggling. And please don’t apologize for spending time with your family!


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