Hide and Seek: HIDE Weekly | Phasmophobia

The new Phasmophobia Hide and Seek Hide weekly challenge is here and sends us to Willow with a ton of hiding spots.

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– AMD Ryzen 9 5900X https://amzn.to/40y5Zjx
– Gigabyte RTX 3080 https://amzn.to/3QvvgGl
– Crucial Ballistix 2666 MHz DDR4 32 GB
– Corsair K70 PRO https://amzn.to/466r5qj
– Logitech G Pro X Superlight https://amzn.to/475RENL
– DT 990 PRO https://amzn.to/40wd3Nq

– Sony Alpha 6000 https://amzn.to/3QR4aLb
– Sigma 16mm f/1.4 https://amzn.to/3QPdGyq
– RodeCaster Duo https://amzn.to/3SCpKo2
– AT2020 https://amzn.to/47vj0g9
– Elgato Wave https://amzn.to/3MC730a
– Elgato Stream Deck https://amzn.to/3udsn5O
– Elgato HD60X https://amzn.to/3QS9huI
– Elgato Green Screen + Light https://amzn.to/47s6yha


42 thoughts on “Hide and Seek: HIDE Weekly | Phasmophobia”

  1. Mimic, mimic, shade.
    First mimic only mimed regular speed ghosts so I had to get all 4 evidence.
    Second mimic went from banshee to myling to twins to revenant, pretty easy to tell.
    And the shade didn't do anything for 4 minutes while I sat inside its room.

  2. Dude seriously? You agreed and the devs said no more pre recorded videos. This shows you have no respect for the rules and think your better than all the other phasmopbobia content creators.

  3. Nice … another exploited video by changing your PC Time to get access to the Weekly early… (Did you know you can keep resetting your clock to before the weekly and then after to reset the weekly to farm $$$$?)

  4. I am your subscriber. Really love your gameplays in both Phasmo and Lethal Company, but it seems using exploitation is still a thing here. Sorry. I have to unsub as I don't support this kind of behaviour. While Baron's incident is unfortunate but you should stop doing it. If getting a lot of views is what you want then good luck.

  5. i really like this weekly, (also liked it last time it was on, you know, months ago 👀) – feelin like there's a nice balance between terrifying challenges and noob friendly ones. i hope they add more in the future cos they're proper fun – and what else would i watch on a monday morning other than my fav swedish man?

  6. GGs Psycho!

    Couple of things, Banshee can't roam to you across different floor, it can only do its ability on same floor as you 😁 and you totally missed orbs in hallway on 3rd run when u were running to the blue bedroom haha. But u got it at the end and it's super cool to see that you got the ability! I had the same on last week's weekly, it slammed the FRONT door TWICE within 1.5 minute, which was insane XD Don't we all wish this ghost does its ability more often cus we have like, 50 games with Yurei and it never does door slam, then 1 game with Yurei and it did its ability multi time XD

    Hope u had a good weekend, and hope your week will be wonderful.

  7. Its defo more interesting challenge than the last weekly, btw i did the seeker challenge with my friend, we turned on the fuse wait some mins and one check ground floor one the first floor with thermo in all room, it was a bit faster than waiting any door opens or sounds in para mic, but it was still boring

  8. To everybody commenting saying he's still exploiting, This video was uploaded 12 hours ago which was 7pm my time. Two hours after the challenge was released. This challenge legit was a 25-30 minute thing. A 25-30 minute video does not take long to clip up and edit at all. Which means it's obviously real time. Please use your brains before commenting,.. Baron said to leave other content creators alone about this, so why can't you just listen? Even then people shouldn't have to say it, you should just leave them alone without a word. otherwise you look like a jerk.

  9. Much <3 sir!!

    I'm prestiged once and about level 46 again. I'm getting better!! I was so proud of myself for not taking a million cases on this challenge last night! A couple of weeks ago on the school one, it took forever to get them. I am horrible during hunts but learning. Last night, I got it in 3 out of 3! Two demons and a freaking yurei but it used its ability on my twice, which made it a whole lot easier to get.

    Then I played a little Lethal Company AND THEN I watched your video which had just been posted. Good for you for standing up to all of the nay-sayers. It's too bad that so many people are defending such a petty person. Thank you for being you and being a person many of us admire and look up to. Keep doing you and putting out great content and helping us little people learn the game better 🙂

  10. Alooha Psycho! GG here!

    As usual, Spoilers ahead!

    As usual notepad out and descriptions expanded to prevent seeing chat and accidentally hitting any links mid-video. Altho I discovered a new feature that splits my android screen into two areas so the video is in one and the text app is in the other! Love this feature!

    From the challenge title screen, it sounds like we basically have a initial countdown to a hunt then we gotta figure out the ghost between hunts. This means a short, if any, setup timer and zero sanity. I wonder if we get a full loadout of equipment?

    00:17 Well, I see 1 min setup and zero sanity, JUST as I suspected and hoped for. T1 & T2 items, no paras but yeah they're not absolutely necessary since we can figure out ghost like banshees in other ways. This is gonna be fuuuun! 😁👍

    00:42 The Phas company need be holla at for stiffing us with sanity bottles filled with ;,/water! LOL 🤣 But that's ok, we need no stinking sanity anyways! 😉👍

    Besides hydrating is important (hits channel redeem for Hydrate Now)!

    01:05 Psycho ditches the emf for a smudge, ah he's going standard Psycho for goin in with a smudge and light. Reminds me of the old days of navigating the ol' Asylum with just a smudge trying to find the ghostie.

    01:25 Nice to see they're generous with the hidey holes!

    01:40 "It's cold everywhere." Ye sure it's not just ye being cool? 🤣

    01:50 CLUNK! Ghostie gave location away! Right basement room! LOL

    02:15 I see ye jumped vod a bit, LOL. Hunt starts annddd… Normal walker normal blinky.

    03:30 LOS (Line Of Sight) test, no anomalous speed behaviour seen/heard.

    03:35 Tosses smudge at ghosties and dips behind living room hidey spot and casually talks and perusing journal while ghost is still hunting, LOL!

    Seriously tho, normal walk & acceleration plus normal blinky and sounds eliminates abnormal walkers, blinkers and noisy ghosts which is about half of the field. Tis almost as good as getting yer first evidence that produces a list of 10-11 ghosts.

    Folks you'd do well to remember this list of "normal ghost." Banshee, Demon, Goryo, Mare, Obake, Onryo, Poltergeist, Shade, Spirit, Wraith, Yokai, Yurei. And many of these ghost can be further identified by behavioural evidence or by eliminating others on the list.

    04:25 Another vod jump, & "it might be a spirit." Oh gods, I hope NOT! Wouldn't look forward to eliminating everyone else first to confirm! LOL 😅

    04:55 3 mins to a hunt after a smudge is normally an indication it's a spirit, but I've learned that in RARE circumstances a ghost may randomly NOT hunt for up to 3 mins or more. I usually back up that particular conclusion with a hard evidence one way or another.

    05:05 Glad ye concour and decided to try confirm with a hard evidence. 😁👍 We're looking for EMF, Box or Book. EZPZ

    06:05 I DO so love the addition of the new adaptive vision system. The new lighting system is a bit bizarre tho, but I'm sure Kinetics will iron that out going forward.

    06:20 Was that singing? I heard?

    07:35 JEEZ The butcher phasing thru the door got me. 😱 Even tho I knew an event is going on, it still gets me whenever a ghost phase thru a door like that! 😅😁👍

    07:45 Hmm, bo Box. Either it's not a Spirit or it's a SHY spirit. Hmmm… 🤔

    07:52 Well, finally FINGIES. Not a spirit confirmed! In fact that reduces field to Banshee, Demon, Goryo, Obake and Poltergeist. I didn't see multiyeets nor megayeets, so no Polter. Obake, we need 6-fingered fingies or barefoot prints. Goryo, I'd eliminate on basis we've seen the ghostie upstairs. I'd strike Demon cuz it'd hunt nonstop. That means we're down to Banshee or Obake. Seeing just ONE normal fingies doesn't necessarily eliminate the Obe. That leaves EMF, Orbs or DOTS.

    07:55 Another singing event? Banshee? Possibly. If it does this a few times more, I'll be inclined to think so.

    08:15 First time in ages I've seen ye collided with door while opening, LOL!

    08:25 Banshee is UV (plus chance of 6-fingies), orbs and DOTS. I'd get a vidcam and look for orbs.

    09:15 Ghostie flipped breakers. Uh-OH ghostie knows what's coming. And ye found orbs. Nailed it as a Banshee! LOL

    09:35 AND it follows thru with a DOTS evidence. That clinches it as Banshee with a B! 🤣

    10:15 RUN #2.

    10:55 Bowl on hallway floor. Hallway Ghost? Sigh. 😞

    11:00 Well that was easy. It's a basement hallway Ghost with Box evidence. We have our initial lineup of 11 ghosts.

    11:45 Vod jump. I see yer going for thermo now! Hmm no freezing.

    12:20 Hah, ghostie hunted B4 ye reached front door. 🤣 Oh well, might as well get in a look and sound check of hunting ghostie. Normal walking speed, normal volume and looong blinks. Phantom for sure! EZPZ!

    13:05 The odds of it being a mimic is rather low, so I'm willing to let it ride on it being a Phantom. And…

    13:14 It IS a Phantom! GG Psycho! Yes, it makes sense to take advantage of the 1 min setup time to go in hard n fast and try notch in at least the first evidence. Failing that, then study the first hunts' sight and sounds to eliminate or identify ghosts by traits.

    Another note, Folks, is that while Psycho doesn't do this during these demos, you can also go for the other bonus money items like bone and money pictures.

    13:45 I see ye changed ming and decided to go Psycho and ditched the flashlight at the door and carry in three evidence items. EMF, Box and UV.

    14:25 "Is it downstairs again?" Ummm, I'd say that is a …

    14:40 Yes, right basement room, AGAIN. 🤣😝

    15:15 And then maybe not! Looks like we have an event in the right bed room. Hmm, 2 events and no box responses. Box seems unlikely unless we're unlucky.

    16:10 No fingies, no box and no EMF. Provisionally that cuts the field down to just 3: Revenant, Thaye, and Yurei. I find it interesting no hunts yet either. Thaye?

    16:15 Turned off breakers, rules out already ruled out Jinn.

    16:30 Finally a hunt! Definitely NOT a Rev nor a Thaye. This means one of the No's is wrong. Hmm, I'm thinking EMF is rather scanty. Actually I think no UV is also rather weak but still stronger than no EMF. No box and fingies means 6 ghost, but I think we can also strike Raiju, Rev and Thaye from list due to no speed anomalies. That leaves Oni, Shade and Yurei. I want eyes on the ghost during next hunt. Maybe we have a more visible Oni? I'd bring in a book, DOTS and have a long look at it's behaviour during next hunt.

    18:30 Looks like it moved to main hallway. Hmm, you're right, bathroom is a possibility. It IS next door to right bedroom.

    19:55 Well, ghostie gave away with double door touch and closing doors outside an event that it's a Yurei. LOL 😆

    20:25 DOTS temp and orbs. Checking for Orbs is the quickest option for backup confirmation. But I'm pretty sure it's a Yurei.

    21:10 Sneaky orb hiding on ceiling, LOL! Yurei it is! Time to shag before we get scragged by the Yurei!

    Love behavior evidences! More challenging when ye gotta do this between hunts, and sometimes DURING hunts too! LOL It helps that Willow has glass doors where we can observe ghosts while they can't see US thru them! LOL


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