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45 thoughts on “HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME | Phasmophobia”

  1. Ive always wanted to play phasmophobia but I got a shitty lil laptop than can barely run google crome without crashing 😂

    Unrelated to that, if I had to eat one food everyday it’d be pizza because Ive only eaten pizza for the past 5 months

  2. If you ever go to Hagerstown, MD, look up the Colonial. It's a restaurant that is pretty well-known for it's wings. On Thursday's, it has a wing night and I will always order old bay or Yo Mama wings. My dad worked there and he actually made the recipe for them Yo Mama wings. I like the old bay because I don't like spicy but their old bay is different. Instead of a dry rub, the put it on there with butter and all so that it isn't spicy.

  3. Hey wade I'm sorry I get how you feel in a way it's been 5 years since I've been able to joke with my grandpa but it'll be okay. They just have better reception to watch you get scared in phasmo now 🙂

  4. The food that I cant really stand is surprisingly pizza lol the food I love is deep fried cauliflower and ice cream. 🙂 weird food habit is I have a tendency to put sour cream on everything lol great example of that. Sour cream on ranch doritos are fucking amazing. 🙂 the food that I like that most others dont usually like are pickles I love pickles. The candy I dont like is black licorice and twinkies. My favorite candy is kitkat,recess pieces or just recess cup and also cookie dough bites. I also really like the cherry peel apart licorice! 🙂

  5. Look into (Finding) Bigfoot! Huge update, I think it would give Friday the 13th vibes all over again if you and the gang played. One can play as Bigfoot now. Would be sick to see y'all get together on that.

  6. I love Wade’s videos but if you’re not paying for his streams he doesn’t reply or read your chat even if him or his mods say they do. Its sad. I appreciate streamers who read those who don’t even pay for their stream or video.

  7. I haven't been able to catch a stream yet but a few months ago I started watching your Phasmophobia streams on youtube and since then they've been my ""background noise" videos everyday and my sleep videos with your Devour videos too. My husband think's I'm insane for falling asleep to them but I think it has something to do with the fact I grew up making haunted houses every Halloween and they made me feel safe for some reason, and most jump scares don't get me. So now the playlist is longer <3 but I love your videos and I wanted to share that. <3 Also, as a Mexican that grew up not liking most Mexican food, try more kinds, most "taco night's" suck, but there's some really good Mexican food out there, I like a really good chimichanga or chile verde wet burrito. <3


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