How Did I Survive This? – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find a crazy ghost that really wanted to end me. I still don’t know how I survived this first hunt. I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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Intro art by:
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1


45 thoughts on “How Did I Survive This? – Phasmophobia”

  1. Thank you so very much Insym for being you! I cannot tell you how much freaking joy you bring into my life – I just love your streams and I really love your content – I hope that I will have the privilege to enjoy you for quite some more time 🙂

  2. Hi Insym! I discovered you when you did a Collab with Game Grumps and I have to admit I watch your channel more now. Keep up the awesome work and don't stress too much!

  3. Just an idea for the 10k challenge.
    What if for each map, you have to start with a specific challenge. And after every 3/5/7mins(depending on map size) you'll have to add another challenge.

    So say Tanglewood you'll start with photo randomizer, after 3mins you'll have to use the rolling app thing to get an extra challenge, if you got 0% sanity challenge, you'll have to use the cursed item to drop it immediately. After another 3 mins if you got the chat=ears challenge you'll have to take off your headset immediately.

    Some challenges are just really hard to work on some maps say thief simulator for Asylum. So you can rule those impossible pairs out.

    For similar challenges I guess it'll be a little treat for you because though all the challenges combined is gonna be really hard, if you're lucky you get photo randomizer and thief simulator, you now have 2 different ways to get items for the investigation.

    Just some ideas.


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