How Does The Crucifix Work in Phasmophobia?

Hey guys, this is a reupload of my previous video on the Crucifix, but in a mobile format. Just testing something out! Apologies if you’re seeing this twice.

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#phasmophobia #howto #guide





22 thoughts on “How Does The Crucifix Work in Phasmophobia?”

  1. Me and the boys actually thought you had to hold it in front of the ghost, so it got one of us, then we concluded that we had to throw it at its face or leave it on the floor, with the result of one death each time. Our last theory suggested it only worked on banshees and demons, so you just saved at least one of our dumbasses

  2. I once found the ghost room and threw two crucifixes in it to cover more ground in it. The ghost hunted me, and when I went to check on my crucifix placement after it stopped, one of the crucifixes was missing. I had a poltergeist and thought it might've thrown it somewhere which messed up my cover of the room. This was at Edgefield, and the hunt wasn't prevented because of it.

  3. this what kind of bothers me, as useful it is to bring crucifixes, most of the time the ghost spawn very far away from the crucifix placement especially in bigger ghost room, like in the hallway, class, etc. and their spawn point is completely random too.

    i remember when im at one of the houses i think it was Edgefield, the ghost room was at the room where there is piano, and the ghost spawned at the fecking bathroom omfg. therefore most of the time after putting the equipment and bugging the front door, me and my friends just standing outside and insulting the ghost


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