How DOOMED are we in Phasmophobia?
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player closes door within LOS
ghost: understandable have a good day
There’s a ghost in the living room!
Me: Thats illegal
It's so nice to see people still play this, even if it's only every once in a while.
Last time I was this early she told all her friends…
Just a heads up, when you have the talking FM radio, just ask it questions.
After a while, if nothing comes through the FM radio, than it is a ghost that does not use the FM radio.
Only say the ghosts name to get a reaction out of it and make it anger and appear.
Say the ghosts name once every few minutes.
Also, someone needs to keep an eye on the EMF +10 meter in the van as well, because if it Hits 10 then you guys need to get out of the house as soon as possible or someone will die. All exits automatically lock when the EMF hits 10.
Your best bet would be to hide.
Have someone stay in the van and tell you if the EMF hits 9, if it hits 9, get out of the house before it hits 10.
Stay out of the house until the ghost calms down.
Another sign that you guys need to either hide or run out of that house is all the lights in the house flashing, including your flashlights flickering on and off, and if you hear constant footsteps.
It's mainly all three. but that is when you know you need to either hide or get out of the house.
Again, by that time, your best bet is to hide.
Also, if you don't hear footsteps when all the lights in the house are flickering, including your flashlights, then it is a wraith.
Something else you might want to know is that if the EMF +10 monitor Hits 10, your coms will get scrambled by the ghost, so you won't be able to hear each other if you use game coms.
Yeeess, this game is so gooodd.
That P-SB7 Spirit Box is so realistic to how they actually look.
Fun fact: The ghost doesn't always flicker your torch for just the hunt, she sometimes does it for a second or two before manifestation. I've come to hate that one part of the game, cause it makes me start running for cover.
I need more of this, please. It's so good!