In this video you will learn how the Phantom, Wraith and Banshee stalk their prey. While the Wraith will straight up teleport to you, the Phantom and Banshee will both have to physically walk the distance!
Game: Phasmophobia
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#Phasmophobia #Stalking #Meik
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You’re always giving out the best tips and tricks! Thanks, Meik ❤
Great info as usual! Thank you for all the knowledge Meik!
Such useful information! As always, thank you Meik! 💙
Actual huge info! I needed this!
Helps a lot with high difficulty runs!
Best phasmo teacher!! 😀
Oooh science!!!
Really interesting to know the finer details for stalking mechanics! Ty
Love the tip videos, thank you Meik
These stalkers can be stinky sometimes so this is definitely helpful. Thanks for this!!
I just hit prestige 6 and I'm still learning new things. Thanks so much for your informative videos and help Meik 🥰
Very good explaining, thank you!
Absolutely succinct and very clearly explained, with no room for any confusion or doubt. Cheers!
Also, "BaNsHeEs StAlK aCrOsS fLoOrS" – qAnT
Do you know how likely they are to stalk compared to each other? It always felt to me like Banshees were far more aggressive in their stalking, but thats anecdotal.
Glad you explained this so clearly. The number of times I hear that all 3 are teleporting ghosts! 🤨 Another delicious educational video!
the scariest trio on the zero grace period custom difficulty
Thanks for the phasmo help!!!!!
Thank You. Very nice Informations 💙
omg the yugioh FM music in the background hahaha love it
Once again, high quality information to help us understand the ghosties. Cheers Miek!
Thank you as always, Meik, for taking the time to give us this information! You are truly a gem <3
This guy, with the comprehensive stalker vid… GG and TY!
Thanks Meik! This helped while I was playing the other day!
Walking with emf can be useful.
for phantom and banshee, can it hunt while its trying to stalk you? as in, get halfway then decide 'nah id rather hunt'? or will it try to complete the roam first?
really helpful video, the only thing i would want to know in addition is, what happens when they do reach you? e.g. how long will they stay at your location, do they immediately walk back or teleport back etc
So that mightve explained why a phantom kept shutting off lights when i was testing mare with switch? It also fully closed and opened doors that match. Really thought it was a mimic
Did an Apocalypse challenge. Instant EMF2 at the entrance. It was clearly a Banshee by the way it stalked me into the office and stepped on salt. I managed to get all the needed tasks and the ghost picture. That's how I learned that Phantoms can also stalk….