Welcome back to Phasmophobia new update! In this video we find out how good the new sound sensors actually are! I would love to hear what you think! Have you used the new sound sensors? Have they been useful? I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.1.0
I think things like sound sensor is more for either groups where you have a person in the van, solo people that just like to play conservatively with sanity and watch monitors alot. and especially on bigger maps, or maps with multiple entrances. Personally I would love if every map, small and large, had at least a front and back entrance for this reason.
something that they could do with the sound sensors is that, when it detects a noise, in the screen it shows a triangle, starting from the sensor, going in the direction the sound was detected, so it shows you the direction related to the sound sensor that the sound came from, but it doesnt actually shows you the exact location of it
i think sound sensor does help in medium or large map, on small is easy to search ghost room
Quoting Myst right now, there should be a "Paranormal Sounds" evidence where you use Sound Sensors and Paramics to identify a talkative ghost or smth, something like a Yokai to give it the evidence. This would actually give the sound sensors more use and love, or give them more buffs in general
I fee like the sound sensors we best designed for newbies on amature where there is the grace period before the ghost can do anything giving them a chance to set up sound sensors (especially if they play ama. on bigger maps) before grabbing equipment so they can pinpoint to help learn the ghost by know where it is and associating different things between location and ghost type
ETA- they can also help on nightmare if you know the room order for the ghost to travel when changing its room the sound sensors can help you relocate everything without fumbling around trying to figure out where it went
I love how your trying to show an example of how to use the sound sensor, and the ghost is like "I'm right here" by turning on the shower lmao and your expression is priceless.
I think if there’s an icon showing where the sound comes from it would be great for roaming or shy ghosts.
Thank you for your Consistent Testing on the Game I learn so much
What if, on the sound sensor board, the sensor circle gets an overlapping cone toward the direction the sound came from, say a 90 degree angle. Should another sound occur before that cone times out, the cone shrinks and readjusts, to say 45 degrees, to be more accurate.
You'd only need a few sounds to pinpoint the room. As it is, according to Insyum, only 1 sound is needed. But this could be a setup once and verify later when you return to the truck for more stuff.
There are two changes I want to see for the sound sensors, and I'd consider them in a perfect state:
1) When they detect a sound, put a pulsing dot on the map (truck monitor) where the sound was. If that level of precision is too strong, then a perfectly acceptable alternative is to have the sensor show a thin pie slice from the sensor to the edge of its radius.
2) Allow them to be placed while in the truck, like video cameras. This is a minor usability thing, for people like myself who like to keep the truck shelves in an orderly state. Only really matters when dealing with raiju, but would be a greatly appreciated change.
Ghost exile has those pings so i see what you mean
The sound sensor should show an echo symbol pulsing in the direction of the sound source. Basically try to emulate echo location rather than giving you a definitive answer of where it is. They could also increase the range on bigger maps proportional to its size.
They should make them infinite like a real mic, but then tie them to a computer system (computer in the truck) for triangulation. For example, you can set one in any building, anywhere, get an event, and have some dB output relative to the distance. It might be loud or faint, but with one mic, all you know is relative distance in a sphere.
So, you add a second mic somewhere. Now it's two positional relative loudness and can gauge a relative line or area between the two, but not pinpoint.
So you place a third. Now you can triangulate but it won't tell you what floor. You will only know downstairs or upstairs and relative area.
The last and fourth could be placed on the other floor and now provide pinpointing in the vertical direction too.
This could work very well, and they'd just need to tie a sort of "heat map" to the location probability based on random noises in the building. Note, there might be ambient noises that pop up too, so this "software" and mics would work over time to make the results more "accurate" and slowly hone you in on a tighter area.
There's a secondary benefit to this too.
With ghosts that roam and end up in new locations (the game should do this more by the way), this mic array you set up can show you the heat map fade cold in old locations and go hot in new locations. It can FOLLOW the ghost and let you track it better over time. I think THIS is where the mic setup could really shine. But…I think they need to approach it more realistically in the sense of a "software package" on the computer in the van and a "heat map" graphic of the floor plan, various floors, that evolves over time.
One of the more challenging aspects of the game I found was when they first introduced ghost roaming and having to follow it around the map to new rooms. The loss of that was bad in my opinion, and I think tools like the mics, if implemented in a unique and functional way for problem solving, can make this both a good and useful tool and bring back more aggressive ghost roaming without detering the hunt. It also forces the ghost hunters to purchase a quantity of mics, risk loss of them, and force them to perform a good coverage setup to get good results in the software. Poor setup would generate worse hot spot mapping. So it's up to the ghost hunters to actually set up the system well, use more mics for higher accuracy, and play that risk/reward game. Also if the ghost hunters find to too much of a crutch to easily track and find the ghost, they could just use less sensors for more ambiguous guidance. So they can scale their difficulty level. And novice players can use the system as an aid, but they also risk the financial loss if they don't work on other skill areas.
– "smart" software to slowly map out hot spots in the house.
– physics based mapping in the sense of tracking proximity to the mics placed
– moderate risk/reward for the investment and use of a powerful tool
– allows the choice is more ghost roaming and a tool available to adjust difficulty of a highly mobile ghost
– slow development of the heat map and ghost position change as to not instantly provide pinpoint data. It should take minutes to slowly "draw" a hot zone but also provide "noise" and variation earlier on or during quiet times (there should be ghost inactivity at times rather than constant timer intervals like clockwork). This hot zone creation pace can be used as a tuning tool for the feature, to make it useful but not overly useful or fast.
Some of these tools gain prominence and need when the ghosts don't provide information. The game is somewhat fast paced and rhythmic in its presentation. There are not ups and downs…but there should be. The tools are most vital in these lulls, when the ghost moves, when they are completely hidden for a couple minutes and you don't know if they're still there or moved. This forces you to explore, search, hunt, and rely on your tools, not just to collect clues, but to actually track and find.
The game as-is is a bombardment of clues and you just kind of race to the end as fast as possible. It doesn't build suspense. It's like a rollercoaster that only goes downhill. And in turn the tools become less functional, less purposeful. You only use it for certain clues to decode the ghost, but you don't really use them for the actual hunt or tracking. These tools are MUCH bigger things when you slow down and build in that element. It's just this game is a full speed race from start to finish every game. It's not an adventure. It's a sports event.
For a straightforward, useful buff, just divide the sound sensor's area on the map into 12 radial slices, and ping the relevant slice when a sound is produced in range.
That way you get a crude idea of direction, and re-positioning within a room or triangulating multiple sensors would be much more effective at narrowing down locations precisely (which would be much more useful against tough ghosts later in a mission).
It would also leave some obvious upgrade paths for the sensors: more sophisticated versions could come with much thinner divisions (e.g. 36 slices), adjustable sensor range, or directionality (e.g. only detects in a forward-facing 60° cone, but has just as many slices, and thrice the range).
i agree adding a little icon for where the sound is detected would be nice, but instead of being exactly where the sound happened, have the icon appear within 1-2 meters of the actual location, an area of uncertainty so to speak.
Oh yeah boi
My thoughts on sound sensors:
-Sound sensors take too much time to set up
-They're can cover too much ground and make you end up having to search half the house anyway when you get a reading
-They involve you not being in the house, doing things like scouting for hiding spots, turning on the breaker, finding the bone, or finding the cursed possession. This is a mild benefit in multiplayer though to preserve rapidly decaying sanity.
-If the ghost is making noise you'll hear it during set up. If the ghost isn't making noise, sound sensors won't help you find it.
-Involves the least fun bit of Phasmo: Running back and forth to the truck.
It would be nice if you needed 3 to triangulate the location for the icon location
When is good the sound sensor? In big maps. Like you showed in the maple campsite. Yeah you found it because it was very active. But what about shy ghosts? Also, they are good for "coward" hunters. Some people are a little scared so a safe option to track it like the sound sensor makes sense. Also, in the cases where the ghost room moves, it can help pinpoint the new location (in asylum that is a godsend).
So what is one of its main weakness? That is useful in big maps, where people doesn't like playing too much…
I think they should eventually add a piece of evidence that can only be obtained through sound sensors. Maybe a certain sound that can only be detected with sound sensors
I love my sound sensors, I don't care how obsolete they are
They should add sound sensors as evidence, so if it goes above a certain level it’s the sound sensed evidence
I saw someone in chat suggest that instead of showing exactly where the sound was, it shows you how far away from the sensor it was and I want to try and give that idea more of a spotlight. If done right, it would still provide some ambiguity as to where the sound was, but also promote using more sensors to increase accuracy.
I think it's very different playing alone to with a team. I use the sound sensors when we play socially as a team. We spend more time talking than listening for the ghost that it takes ages to find it; so we just lose all our sanity wandering around. Instead I tend to turn on the power and drop sound sensors as I go. Then when I go back to the truck for more gear, I see if I can rule out the area covered with the sensors (no noise = look elsewhere).
I think a definitive ping is to OP, it should give some sort of directional tip, but like an actual mic it picks up all sound around it so you’ll need to watch the monitor in truck for a bit to understand where the most sound is coming from
So, how about you had a new Evidence that you need sound sensor with maybe ? also a little ping on the map would help tell if its a twin lets say… seeing 2 pings far from eachother, or help tell if its a poltergesit of theres like 4pings in a circle or something.
Maybe sound sensors could be a bait for ghosts during hunts? Like, if you have sound sensors placed throughout the house, they'll be more likely to go towards the sound sensors due to their electricity, giving players more time to run away. Players could activate sound sensors to become baits, and if a ghost goes to the bait, then the sound sensor gets destroyed. That could be an interesting buff, though I guess it could hurt immersion.
Wouldn't sound sensors be better if the ghost moves about?
Showing specific locations of sounds could be really cool.
It would actually make a person in the van potentially useful, as right now that's kind of impossible. There's very little for someone to do in the van. It's mostly cameras, but you can only view one camera at a time so it takes a lot of luck to actually see anything useful past orbies.
But having it show the general location would mean a person in the van could use sound sensors plus motion sensors and actually have a chance at tracking a ghosts movement and relay that to the people in the building.
I don't like being in the van, but I always think it'd be fun to have someone else guiding me through while I'm alone in the dark. My sister gets scared and likes the van, but there's just not much purpose in being there right now.