Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I compare Nightmare mode to Professional mode and explain what I think is good and bad about nightmare mode. I love nightmare mode and think it’s a great addition to the game, but I also feel like they slightly overdid the restrictions and made it into a forced guessing game in certain situations. I think they also made nightmare mode pretty unapproachable for starting- and intermediate players. This is arguably fine because it’s the highest difficulty but I feel like this will be a deterrent for new players to really get into the game. Let me know what you think! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.4.1.0
I love how ghost in phasmophobia konw your name
1:50:43 how i felt when i bought battlefield 2047 and realized the beta was the full game
what if they made lit candles reduce the failure chance if placed near the ouiji board?
I think the default failure chance is 40% so if each lit candle reduces it by 10% then then it can't fail anymore. I think that it would be cool to set up a little ritual like that for safety. when you felt the need to.
Never played this game. What happened at 11:35? Freaked me out!
I think in Nightmare mode you should get more money for guessing the ghost. It's the hardest part of Nightmare and counts just as much as an optional objective.
"LET'S take two pills, cause we wanna be very high" Hmm yeah
Why do 2 screens in the truck look like that?
I feel like the mystery of whether it can early hunt could be resolved with another Ouija question. Something like, "Can you hunt the sane?" but with a heavy sanity penalty. Like 80-100, so if you ask at the beginning, it will impact the rest of the game, but if you're stuck on that detail at the end of the game, you can just ask, rather than have to do a ton of math to know if it might have hunted early.
Watching people spell Raiju wrong is so funny to me
Insym, can we expect some Dead by Daylight content coming? It would definitely be awesome 😭
Love watching these videos very good at explaining how to use things and how the ghost behave
I would love to see them ditch the set difficulty levels and opt for a custom difficulty modifier system instead.
For example the player could tweak settings (setup time, hunt grace period, # of hiding places, reduced evidence, no sanity board, no activity board etc) and the players selection grants them a certain score multiplier.
This would satisfy the players that like certain features from higher difficulties and not others.
I like when games do this because it makes the game accessible and fun without diminishing the experience for rest of the player base.
Solo nightmare I find to be a bit funner than solo professional.
Feels less reliant on just the obvious clues and makes you think a bit about the differences of each ghost types AI.
It's dependant really, someone who has played this longer and practically knows pretty much strategies and shit vs ghosts, probably won't have a hard time.
Some people in chat are so annoying 😅 sound like whiney Karen's. Appreciate the good work Insym. I hope to get back into Phasmophobia soon!
1:42:10 When you don't pay attention on what is happening, than it's just a sudden loud noise, it's much louder than you which gets me 😀
The only asking for like and subscripe that is not annoying to hear every time, because it's short. 🙂 Take my like.
As a new player (50 hours lol) I certainly prefer professional though intermediate is more my speed if I don’t have more experienced people with me 🙂
45:28, very professional there.😏
the only thing nightmare changes really is getting the ghost type is harder which as a whole doesn’t affect your money that much. you can generally make loads of money on nightmare just doing the side objs and snapping some footsteps
The best thing about nightmare mode, while playing with others, are the intellectual debates about the ghost type we are dealing with.
What Insym says at 17 minutes is that there is a difference between difficulty and cheapness in game mechanics.
When you have done everything right and you lose because of some overcomplicated or random mechanic, it feels cheap.
Losing should be because of mistakes, the harder the difficulty the less forgiving your mistakes, generaly thats how it should go.
Regarding the hiding spots in tanglewood. I am not sure how random they block the hiding spots but i had a game where all the lockers and closet are blocked, and the masterbedroom closet door is also blocked. The ghost room was in blue room which the closet was also blocked. The only remaining hiding safe spot was the closet door in blueroom but its pretty much useless since it is where the ghost at. The worst was it is Professional, not nightmare. And i had that happen twice already. Once in pro and once in nightmare.
Can you still do the onryo candle trick?
Watching this game is not nearly as scary when your not wearing headphones and watching it at 2:30 in the morning
what I've learnt with Insym videos is that NEVER explain or try to help someone else inside the house lol, my anxiety levels go very high inside lol
For those who don’t know MMR, it is also in Hunt: Showdown, MMR is a commonly used rating system for competitive or ranked playlists
Ok I’m confused, I’ve heard you have to drop your flashlight when you get hunted as well as camera, can someone please explain in detail?
Edit: grammar
Making objectives mandatory to complete before you can leave could be a nightmare change. Or something like adding extra ones exclusive to nightmare!
do footprints not count as fingerprints?
nightmare isn't hard, it's just tedious.
i'm honestly glad that nightmare mode wasn't a professional replacement, i was scared that many people would stop playing professional and only play on nightmare.
I personally found that mode beyond difficult lol
Is IT possible to play with you? I am soooo good at staying in Van and watching hahaha i would be so useful hahaha
2:05:22 🤣🤣🤣
I saw dots way before anyone noticed
i hate the voice box with the voice… its so cheaply sounding.. sadly 🙁
Insym rapping his intro: haha me go brrr
Eminem: OH he's too strong!
Im new to this. Why does he ask if the ghost is french?