Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we do a crazy speedrun to see if I’m still good at Phasmophobia. The update is coming very soon so I need to be prepared! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1
If you know what the ghost is, it should totally be legal to kill yourself in a hunt to save time (as long as the journal is filled in and you declare you're doing it for big brains).
I'm willing to bet the most difficult challenge ever would be:
No Evidence
No Lights
No Sprinting
No Smudge Sticks/Sanity Pills
No Hiding Spots
Ghosts have x2 speed
Double Hunt Duration
Zero Sanity
Probably a mix of all that in one run.
1:05:13 Yes, absolutely!
I'd love to see a video of you explaining all the ghost tests that can be done (yokai test, moroi test, etc)
Love your content Insym 😇, Just wondering will you be trying the new ghostbusters game that is coming out?
You saying "You piece" at 16:44, are you a fan of Northernlion and Dan Gheesling perhaps?? or is it just a total coincidence LOL
How to say this without being rude… No one cares if you're late. Unless we're talking period. Then it has value.
On another note, I can ignore most dumb shit in chat. It's fun, enjoyable and cozy. But this shit: "I'm late" How inflated is your ego? And if not inflated ego, how much attention do you seek?
But I be damned because I express my opinion about it. It's on the screen, the chat is a part of the experience. But this isn't frowned upon/questioned is what bothers me.
I can't explain it good in words, especially written. Sounds like I'm offended, but I'm just rather annoyed.
I started the video and my mom heard it and just said "Oh hell nah, not this guy again. I can hear him screaming through the whole house!" 😂 – But this is what makes Insym to Insym, right? 🤔
"I hope i'm still good at phasmohpobia" man you play like you were born in Nancy's bed what do you mean
Thank you so much for being such an AWESOME youtuber. im always so happy when you are uploading videos or are streaming. Best comfort youtuber
The number of people in chat who kept saying "freezing" after he'd already gotten 2 pieces of evidence in the first run I'm-
Also, the folks at the start of the second run who were going "timer," "timer," "Insym timer," "are you resetting the timer?"… how many times do people need things explained to them 😭 (EDIT: Glad Insym called them out on being stupid lmao)
Hi youtube how are you doing and welcome back to phasmophobia!!!
It got harder? Had you missed the fact that you started doing nearly impossible challenges?
Ok please someone enlighten me how it was such a fast detection of the mimic at 9:23 ???
I'm sorry Insym but I'm such a bad person. When you were begging for the Rev not to find you I was chanting "Find him" because it would be hilarious. I know I'm a bad person but I hit the like button so we're even right? lol
What are the updates that are coming?
I kind of wonder if you should do "speed run" on something lesser like intermediate, because that would help things like dots and writing that are just fucking fickle be easier to find. They don't make it more of a challenge other than avoiding the ghost longer, which just detracts from a speedrun.
41:01 The Duality of Man™
It would be amazing for you to do all of the maps speedrunning just like this on professional Insym!
Yes you need to do a professional vs Nightmare
Funny how he didn’t get fingerprings nor dots evidence on this run tho
So I don't have phasmo yet, so I played the Roblox version, Specter [Legacy], and my fastest time was 2 mins 56 secs on family home hard. Nice job on your speedruns 😁
How many ghosts can you fit up your butt?
Why he plays on crouch?
Speed run perfect games!
21 Levels in 1 hour, so If I want to catch up to you. I'll just have to play just like you for approx. 467 hours straight (19.5–days)
And I'll be caught up just in-time for the update.
Atleast i have something to watch after being in surgery :DD
Not someone literally saying “Scripted” for the second run
Yo insym gud luck to u to reach 10k lvl ingame or atleast 9999 man. Watching u on stream in the other platform is so gud always makes my day. Keep rocking
"why didn't you park through truck closer to the house? we're speedrunning!"
Got an ad about someone called Joe, Joe says hi
Soon 10.000 LVL 😀
so 40:50 to 41:09 was super funny, was just cackling the whole time XD
now do a 1 hour no hunt challenge
the terms are:
1: you have to figure out the ghost before it can hunt (duh)
2: if the ghost does hunt, you fail
3: if you fail, the timer resets
4: no crucifix, no sanity pills
5: when you discover what the ghost is you must immediately leave (no purposely wasting time staying with ghosts that you can keep from hunting)
i think this would be awesome to see and could potentially be a pretty tough challenge
i thought of a neat map idea. trailer park map?
I'm a new phasmophobia player. Why does he ask if the ghost is french??
i had Nancy yesterday
tNice tutorialngs going as tracks can be anytNice tutorialng and everytNice tutorialng and anywhere. I would like to ask you a question please? The reason that I