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#shorts #phasmophobia #funny
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Enter insym, walks in the house ghost immediately hunts and reveals all the evidence
me with any ghost for no reason: "YEET THAT GLASS OR ILL MAKE YO-
yeets glass
Me: "nope" literally teleports outside the house
I downloaded it just yesterday and on my first game I was with my friend who was level 55 and I just entered with no flashlight, just an emf and thermometer and yelled the ghosts name then told them to come at me… so I died that round
Immature players: loudly yelling profanity to upset it
the boys when im dead:
“Kenneth Nilson c’mere i wanna see you”
the ghost: starts hunting
the boys: loops it
5k likes for more
Nightmare: existence
as a new player i do the pro one for some reason becaus it's fun
i usually scream “C’MERE YOU SPOOKY BITCH” in a comically thick Scottish accent and/or start screaming f*ck over and over, both seem to work surprisingly well
Bro I just started and it went like this (new)->(pro)->(intermediate)
Stop making him anger
Does anyone know how to record a video in phasmophobia?
Woah bro almost said my full government 😨😨
Intermediate player when use a ghost box and say something mean: you have been warned. there is nowhere to run. YOU WILL PAY THE PRICE! I WILL TAKE UR LIFE!
My friend who is very new to the game caught onto this quick and now every game we go into he runs inside screaming racial slurs with the ghosts name, it is very effective
Me : Walk into room talk shit to ghost
Ghost: Starts hunting
Me: Cry and cower in a closet
Ghost: Stops hunting
Me : gets outa the closet Yo ghost wtf you at B*itch!
That's so true
Meantime me and my friends launching the "hunt-hunt-kill-kill" protocole 😂
i literally walk in and say stuff like "yo daniel thomas you a bitch!! show yoself!!"
Pros: uses tarot cards and wishes for tower or sun, gets the hanging man
you forgot the part where the pro roast the ghost
ultra master level:
"Are you french?"
the last one was IGP and ICY,
The best way to make them Angry and A SiGh😐
"Hey, Daniel Thomas! Your momma's a hoe!"
Shitpost players: Lets use the cursed object
Lol as a pro i can confirm this is what i do😂😂
My best experience:
Players trying to provke the ghost.
someone screams "Hey Ghost, minorities have rights"
Ghost then burns cross trying to hunt.
A different player "Ah fuck, that's some real KKK shit ghost"
To beginner players: Insulting the ghost by name usually gets the best results! However you might want to stock up on pants and underwear 🤗
When my friend started playing with me the first thing he did was start calling out the ghosts name non stop when I told him how it worked 😭
Pro players: We want a sign we get a fuckin sign
this entire video explained exactly what I did
Daniel Thomas