How Phasmophobia Was Made

Welcome to Infinite Craft! This is a silly web game about combining things to make other things. In this video we go on a strange adventure to make the game “Phasmophobia”. ENJOY!

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30 thoughts on “How Phasmophobia Was Made”

  1. it is not chat gpt but it is AI, the ai basically scans around the internet to come up with it all. So some things are jokes, some things make sense, and some are hard to get, and some don't make any sense.

  2. I was excited at 2 am o 3 am, and i managed to reach "(insert middle finger) motherfucker" and "🌊motherfuckin Poseidon" in probably 20 minutes

    Edit: I managed to get to the archangel (including sandalphon, metatron, michael (but they register it as MJ) and Gabriel), I got succubus. incubus, "porn", "sex", "adam", "eve", "Lilith", "human", I'm pretty surprised that they allow vulgar language such as "🖕 motherfucker" lmao and I just found out mixing "porn" with "Hades" turned into "pornhub" OK BYE LMAOOOOO

  3. Should play the original, Doodle God. Good times.

    I think the biggest thing he is missing in all of this is that each option has multiple properties: positive/negative, size, actual property of the thing, or significance. So some combinations only take certain properties into consideration.

  4. The Dank series and Fancy Shrek have gotta be my favorite of the bunch. Time Vikings get an honorable mention.

    Also amazing that Insym likes the "I'm blue" meme and never knew the band name lol. It was like that video of the kid seeing the Master Chief and saying "THE GUY FROM FORTNITE".


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