Have you ever wondered if professional Phasmophobia players lose games? This will show you two of my most recent losses. I generally do not die so I wanted to show you guys how it sometimes does happen! After this video was made I also died because the ghost spawned on top of me! That is a third situation that is sometimes really hard to avoid! Hope you got a laugh out of it and learned something! Much love 😀
I stream every day live at 19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST over on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Join the community discord: https://discord.gg/insym
NOTE: This video was recorded on patch
I think that some of us, that watch a lot of his streams, we know that Insym dies. Not as frequent but it happens. And when it does we felt closest to god. xD
professionally dying before that big 3000
In mother Russia, Kenny kills you.
Should I comment
Fastest way to die is still a Tanglewood banshee. Why? Because you go in, head to the basement for the breaker (or just to check for the board) and wham-o, early hunt. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. RIP. ⚰️
Would be interesting if there is more than 1 ghost
12:24 Vietnam flashbacks aka basement ghost
19:02 Ghost: Oh hi there! smoochies
Not only a pro death, but on Tanglewood as well!
10:16 lmao that is exactly where and how I died recently
Edgefield garage is another place you can just get stuck. Had a Banshee spawn on top of me at the breaker in there and follow me all the way out. Had to stop, close the door behind her, then cower behind the shelf hoping she didn't double back. Thankfully she didn't.
How pro players die: they freeze to death in Front of the house bc they forgot the key
day 2 asking mannequine randomiser
Ghost was like: "Got'cha bitch!" on the 2. one~
A wise omnic once said "Overconfidence is a flimsy shield'😂
Professionals die wide eyed screaming as revenants chase them down.
19:02 just F….
oh my god the amount of money
Ive watched your channel for nearly half a year now, and I think this is only the 4th time I've seen you die in phasmo.
It was lag, or the ghost prolly had aimbot lets be honest.
Although I Don't Understand What You Are Saying, I Enjoy Every Video.👌🏻
HA I tried that in an Asylum run with friends. We had the hardest time trying to find the room, then by chance I saw him spawn in it as he started to hunt. It was even the room with a "safe" spot by the potted tree and desk. Guess they patched it. He came back in a few moments later and got me. At least my friends figured out where the ghost room was thanks to my dead body. :/
Sucks when the ghost stream snipes you
Don't Alt+Tab while in this game lol
I died for the first time today. Lv 482. Cell block b spawned on the stairs there was no escape.
I didn't know that legends could die.
Hey insym ik zie dat jij je lamp gwn aan houd tijdens ene hunt kan de geest je dan niet makkelijker vinden of maakt dag niet uit want ik ga altijd tijdens een hunt in een hoekje zitten met lamp uit en hopen dat hij me nie vindt need Some tips bro😅
Lol I came from the stream, you really did this video compilation of you dying! Props to you Insym!
Day #52, am very tired, it is time for the big nap. Hope you’re having a lovely day Insym! ✨💕✨
Garage on Edgeview as well xD. I had that experience, and when it went looking elsewhere, I made a play to sneak into the basement lockers.
But yeah, if it spawns on the door and heads out, you gotta hide in the garage