How PROS Identify Ghosts During Hunts EXPLAINED – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I will explain EVERYTHING there is to know about hunts in phasmophobia! After watching this you will be a professional yourself! ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.11.0.3


48 thoughts on “How PROS Identify Ghosts During Hunts EXPLAINED – Phasmophobia”

  1. I played a round yesterday and had Poltergeist and Phantom left. So I lit the Summoning Circle and took a picture of the ghost. You could see the ghost in the photo, so I went with Poltergeist. But it was a Phantom. Is that normal? Can you photograph Phantoms through the circle now?

  2. In terms of the activity screen and EMF, Polter etc. ..
    Doesn't big spikes also happen when there is a ghost event?
    Like, if you are in the van and big spikes happen.. that does not mean EMF 5 or Polter throws.. it also could just be a ghost event, no?

    I am pretty sure ghost events also have such big spikes, even up to 10 (which normally would happen while hunting)

  3. 53:40 – because of the Shade and candle blown out while you were in the room..
    I mean, a Shade could still do that. I saw something mentioning the ghosts have like a 10m radius of doing ghost events, so probably has a range like that for interactions too.
    A shade could also be in the hallway and blow out the candle in your/his room tho. So possibility for Shade is still given at that point.
    (Edit: He said it too, okay good xd)

  4. 1:04:30 – interesting how for the Hantu the breath INSTANTLY shows up, when you turn the breaker off .. but the speed stays slow until the temps get lower..

    Shouldnt the breath also only come up, when the temps went down? They don't go down instantly, as soon as you turn the breaker off.. right?

  5. 2:19:20 – does it only count for the THIRD candle or for every third candle tho? In terms of onryo..

    So is it only the actual 3rd blown out candle, or is it every three.. like the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th and so on

  6. Hey, Insym I have a question that I am fairly confused about, and I hope you can help me understand. Is there a level requirement for Deo's? I keep seeing conflicting info on this topic and I am not sure if you can get a Deo if you are under level 30. Thank you for the awesome videos! ❤❤❤

  7. When I first got into phasmo, I wanted to learn as much as I could so I could keep up with my sister, and I stumbled upon your ghost guide. Two years later, and I’m still here, at almost every stream. Thanks for the streams and videos my guy, they give me something to look forward to each day ❤

  8. 56:20 to fix the Shade blowing out a candle when roaming outside the room a bit thing. Keep the candle far from the exit of a room so it's not in range of the candle. It sounds weird at first but when you understand the borders of rooms and hallways you can place the candle in safe spot to where you won't get a false candle blow making you think it's not a Shade.

  9. I'm seriously frustrated that the equipment overhaul killed the only very niche trick I ever discovered with the sound sensors… the ability for it to hear the EMF meter and where EMF-5 had a very obvious appearance on the trick monitor.

  10. For the Mare ability, relative to immediately turning off the light switch, make sure that a ghost event didn't happen. Plenty of times people get caught in the thought of thinking it's a Mare ability and then completely ignore the event since after playing the game for some time you get accustom to it. So again, if again, make sure it wasn't a ghost event that turned off the light.
    If Insym mentions this later in the video I'll delete the comment, but important to say none the less.

  11. I once had an encounter with a Rev, figured out the ghost just by the hunt. But my dumbass was trying to show my friends how I know it's a Rev and started swapping items for my smudge while hiding.
    I accidently brought out my camera and I shit you not, the inevitable sound of death as the Rev hauled ass to my location made me scream like a girl.

  12. Love your informative videos! The ones where you play with random low levels in public lobbies are my favourite videos because you're teaching people in real time and also stressing over keeping them alive lol.

  13. idk if it was an glitch or it is an ability but me and some friends where playinbg phasmo and we got ghost writhing it hunted and it was shapeshifting i was thinking mimic but mimic also doesnt have ghost writing

  14. Hey Insym, What Custom Setting do you run in this video, also Thanks for the knowledge, it has helped me alot and I imagine it has helped other people too, keep it up man, you're goated. But make sure you're getting some rest aswell also king, Much love ❤

  15. New things i learned:
    – mare has 10s cooldown per light switch
    – ghosts sense equipment within 8m (2.5m for Yokai)
    – hear myling at 12m, otherwise 20m
    – phantom can roam to random player
    – banshee cant change fav room
    – obake transformations r hard af to see
    – larger maps grant more money

  16. How you store all of this information inside your head is absolutely amazing, I think it’s safe to say I won’t ever be this good at phasmo because I am a goldfish and how you stay so calm during hunts to be able to pay that much attention is also impressive, I have a melt down 😂 FairPlay INSYM, been watching you a while now since phasmo was released on PC, keep going enjoy your vids🩷

  17. I always thought onryo blew out so many candles because it tried to hunt but got stopped by the candle but that candle blow out made it trigger another hunt so it blows out another. I always see a very short delay between the candle blow outs so that’s what made me think that way. I feel like it can chain that interaction multiple times tho so you could see all of your candles blow out in quick succession.


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