How Smart are the New Ghosts? – ALL NEW Hiding Spots & Glitch Testing – Phasmophobia NEW Update

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! This NEW update is amazing. They changed almost every map layout, they added new hiding spots and improved the ghost AI. I love these changes! In this video we put the new ghosts to the test! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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Intro art by:
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.1.1


36 thoughts on “How Smart are the New Ghosts? – ALL NEW Hiding Spots & Glitch Testing – Phasmophobia NEW Update”

  1. I only found Insym within the past week, week and a half, and I subscribed so quick. I still don't know why in particular I like Insym and his videos so much, but I do and I am here for the Science and the insane ghosts.

  2. "if you've ever wanted wanted to see me die, this is the video" lmao i wouldnt say ive wanted to see you die, per se…. but you're so good at the game it's like it's balancing out all your god gamer moments XD

  3. I love that the devs constantly make things harder for Insym. I love watching you play this game but it does kinda get a little stale watching you play 500 games without getting killed. Bravo Phasmo developers for nurturing this game and keeping our boy Insym on his toes! 👏

  4. Back in the earlier days of phas that toilet did work 😂 i used to hide behind it and watch the ghost just ram the toilet to no avail but they fixed it once they did ghost AI and the flashlight update

  5. If you ask me, it seems like the ghost can just see through doors. Doesn't seem that innovative. I would think ghosts should've been able to do that to begin with……… sorta lol. For game sake and hiding, no we don't want them to see through stuff but that seems to he the case with doors as a fix except lockers and closet doors of course

  6. Don't take this the wrong way, but your hair looks exactly the same every single day. I used to wear my hair like that. If you don't have any other obligations such as job outside of YT, it'd be nice to see you change it up.

  7. You actually missed one hiding spot in Ridgeview. There's one in the master bedroom's big closet (after the new kitchen). I didn't say anything in the last video because I knew you were just excited, but you actually missed it twice because you never went there.


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