In this Phasmophobia Video I show you how the updated High Priestess Card Works In Phasmophobia. They updated the game which included adding a great new feature to the High Priestess Card.
If you pull the card prior to someone dying it acts as a second life but the best part about this is this now works in Single Player making it a card you want to risk pulling for.
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#Phasmophobia #TarotCardUpdate #HighPriestess
The cards are op against a rev/riju/hantu bc it's super ez to die to them (hantu when it's cold)
loved the commentary xD im gonna try that rn ahahaha
there's nothing more British than 'proper chuffed'
I wonder how this works on nightmare multiplayer.
If it revives you immediately, the ghost will probably see you while the hunt is still active, and simply kill you again.