How to EASILY Eliminate Evidence in Phasmophobia

This is the best way to eliminate evidence in Phasmophobia that can easily help you to identify the ghost. If you can learn when to eliminate evidence you can more easily learn to identify the ghosts. The only evidence I would really recommend eliminating though is UV, Ghost Orbs, Ghost Writing, and Spirit Box. I would never rule out EMF 5, Freezing, or DOTs because they can be a struggle to get, but I will go over all that.

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If you are new to Phasmophobia or a returning player who is lost I do have guides on the channel which you can check out in these awesome playlists here:

Phasmophobia Beginner Guides:

Hunting Guides to help you SURVIVE:

Want to get better at Ghost Tests? Check out my You Decide Series where You figure out the ghost type:

Unofficial Phasmophobia Cheat Sheet:

Want a Smudge Timer like I Got? Here is how I set it up:


29 thoughts on “How to EASILY Eliminate Evidence in Phasmophobia”

  1. I have to admit it's very rare I actually get all the evidence, there are occasions where I have gotten 2 evidence and then was able to rule out type of ghost using salt, parabolic sensor, candle test or just listened to it hunt. Stats wise I've been more successful in getting the ghost right, but I still need to improve. I appreciate all the vods and shorts you've been posting, its teaching me things I wasn't even aware of before

  2. I don't know if what im saying can be another video topic or just a topic for a short, you can rule ghosts in nightmare instead of evidences. Miek gave us an idea that in nightmare, if the ghost kicked the book and doesn't have orbs in its room, you select orbs and writing in the journal and rule out the ghosts that have both of them. Since nightmare only hides one evidence, if you dont get two evidences that ghost doesn't have/hiding, select both and rule the ones that pop out. Ofc you cant do for all the evidences since freezing, dots and emf exist but you can make the game easier that way.

  3. The thing that helps me the most and being a semi pro and finishing my first Gold apocalypse trophy in this game is to just watch a lot of yt videos about phasmo especially your videos sir and really just play the game for hundred hours.😊 I hope anyone reading this especially beginners like me a couple of months ago can became a good ghost investigator one day. Just enjoy the scare and the game.

  4. Regarding DOTS:
    1) place them around waist level, because of child/crawling ghosts, otherwise you may miss them
    2) check them via a camera in case of Goryo or generally uncooperative ghost. Without anyone in the house a ghost has less things to do aside from roaming

    And since you’ve now started mentioning motion sensors — could as well tell about salt for UV. Doesn’t hurt to mention that at the end even if it’s a guide for level 1 noobs.

  5. 2:33 I know a Hantu when I see one!
    Anyway, fun fact with EMF-5. You can spot it in the van! If a ghost does an interaction; Throws item, opens/closes a door, and the Activity monitor spikes to +4, it will be EMF-5! UNLESS, it is a Yurei, which when using the door "slamming" ability, produces an EMF-5. The more you know! (Also, make sure that it was not a Ghost Event, those produce either EMF-5 or EMF-4 on the activity chart.)
    Edit: Forgot to mention, Polter ALSO creates an EMF-5 like chart, IF, his ability of "multi-throw" is used.

  6. DOTS can be a pain even with tier 3 equipment if you got an absolutely stubborn Goryo. Legit had a few where knew the ghost was sticking in the room because of motion sensors but the temp refused to drop enough and the ghost writing book either got tossed or just flat out ignored for several minutes. And it was a case both using the video camera from outside the room and even the van monitoring was not getting a result. Now a hunt could have easily determined if it was a Jinn or Myling instead but with where the ghost room was vs hiding and looping spots, it was going to be a major pain to try to deal with a super sonic Jinn or have the right range to better check for Myling steps vs flashlight flicker.

  7. A friend and I took a camera on amateur plus Intermediate and didn't find any Orbs, we even thought we could rule them out as the Ghost room didn't have it, it wasn't until the ghost started interacting with us that the Orbs appeared, so from that moment onwards, we always re-check for orbs, usually we'll set a camera up in the ghost room and check when we're in the van if need be.

  8. there are ghosts who just refuse to give evidence. I've played agaisnt multiple banshees who just REFUSE to give UV. Or other ghosts which I can stay 15 minutes searching for evidence in the ghost room and they never give it

  9. Thanks man! I play this game with my sister but we’re both so bad at going inside the house because we’re scared, but your videos are teaching me a lot and we literally just got our first ever hunt where we were brave enough to watch the ghost chase us rather than hide away. Immediately saw a shapeshift happen! It was so satisfying to finally get one of those special ghost identifiers! Maybe next time we’ll be able to walk around the house without having the other one diligently watch the headgear like our lives depend on it lol

  10. I did notice how weird orbs can be lately. Sometimes they appear right away or after a few minutes of looking in the ghost room. But there was one round I had where orbs wouldn't show up until the ghost was getting more aggressive and starting to hunt.


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