HOW TO GET SECRET ID CARD IN PHASMOPHOBIA #easteregg #howto #phaosmophobia #phasmaphobiagame

#howto #easteregg #phaosmophobia #phasmophobiagame #horrorshorts


21 thoughts on “HOW TO GET SECRET ID CARD IN PHASMOPHOBIA #easteregg #howto #phaosmophobia #phasmaphobiagame”

  1. I remember when I did this with my friends when we didn't know anything about that secret we randomly found out because a friend saw something on the beach in the distance.
    We did the whoek Easter egg on our own while being hunted and man, was that a great feeling to do it without any help and even knowing it.

  2. what im saying is how do people find this?
    no one would look for order of green ball blue ball red ball
    the gear one is easy
    and how does people find out to ring the bell in the order of the bell and shine a uv flashlight at it
    just how??????

  3. Ok so it took me 5 tries but yes it works on customs it shouldnt matter that teer of uv you use i didnt try t 2 though so i would customs if you have it freindlu ghost 150 player speed sunrise becuase it works with it and yay and monkey paw just for shits and giggles


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