In this video I show you a really fun Phasmophobia glitch we found: You can place a camera against someone in VR and it will start floating. This means that you can basically place cameras anywhere. It’s not the most useful glitch but it’s definitely fun. This game was also hilarious and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.29.6
bro, make content that is still live
I think this thumbnail should be like the Phasmophobia title screen on the steam market
insym i found a little glitch in phasma i want to show you!! not sure if you already know about it
Made it just in time before I have to sleep for work. Hey Insym!.
Early gang
Hmm 🤔 this sounds weird
Hey Insym, hope you’re doing well 😁
da hek did you find that kind of glitch……?
Who would even think of smacking a video camera on a vr person XD
20:15 I love how VR man is chillin with toys
that's a nice lil glitch:)
VR man is a Legend
it was supper fun thank you insym❤️
Next how to make a human emf reader 😏
It shouldn't be limited to cameras, what about other placement items like candles?
I tried to catch your stream but failed by fall asleep
I totally didn't see the ghost in the garage and ran right into her. (Cries in Hantu)
I am glad I have all the ingridients! XD This is amazing, also Willow street house looks fancy smancy. Also I have 2 flats and one of them looks like Willow street house(interior). I am glad I live in the other one.
when the ghost ain't moving shit so you start to make things float
Insym you should try a game called sledrina it’s a spooky game
So we not going to talk about head cams
LMAO the vr person
My first ghost on the new map was a Hantu and was in the bathroom. They were a super easy ghost. Don't remember their name though.
VR man got absolutely destroyed by the ghost 🙁 also apparently the game took my headsets microphone instead of my main microphone Sadge
I had a ghost who roamed from the bedroom to the garage in Tanglewood and it spawned in the garage instead of its ghost room
Do you lose all your stuff when you die?
Hi twitch
What your/his streaming schedule? I want to watch live.
Your videos very nice:) we waiting5000:)<3
Hey Insym, can I ask you a stupid question? Maybe you've talked about it since the update , I have to admit that while I watch a lot of your videos, sometimes I don't watch them all, so I apologize in advance if you already talked about it.
I have tested it a few times in small maps such as Tanglewood and Edgefield, so it can't be a case of "I just haven't found the room" like it could happen in the Asylum or the prison. However, when it's a non-freezing ghost, it happened that ALL rooms, including small closets, hallways and bathrooms, were above 10 degrees celcius. We used to have rooms below 5 degrees for non-freezing ghost but dang, now sometimes we don't have them?
Am I crazy?
Insym has the best community bro there are no dislikes on the video even thought it's been out for a while
ah, awesome, now my friends can not only be ghost bait but also human tripogs
great video as always <3
Absolutely smashing video as per usual. Keep up the awesome work man!
hi papa insym
lol i did what the vr dude was doing to people in a public lobby, i was trying to get us evidence so they sent me in with a teddy and said if there is ghost writing, come over and drop it and if there isnt ghost writing come back and hold it lol, they were all between 0 sanity and 5 sanity
Now imagine this was a complete feature.
Head mounted camera: "Am I a joke to you?"
this man always ameks this game a good to watch xD
alt title: the most expensive phasmophobia glitch that'll get patched in 2 weeks
21:58 Hey Chipenox, how is that update to yourself going? do you still get a headache from eggs after candy?
Ooooo green screeeen
Or…use their head mounted camera…
the human tripod xDDDDDD
Everybody was so scared about revs that they forgot hantu can move a bit fast too 😂
i think you dont neccesarily need more people.. i had this floating cam happen a few times when i tried to take the cams from the rack in the truck. (in vr). my friends where no where near. but think it happened when i grabbed (teleport grab) like more in quick succession. i think the 1 starts floating when u grab second one… so thats what that was? .. gotto check that out later. keep up the good content!! cheers
I love captain boss Nikko man's reenactment of his final moments, LOL! I love coming across VR people in games 'cause of this xD