I’ve put together a quick Phasmophobia Guide on how to make your game lighting better. A few things I didn’t mention in the video, Alan is playing on a 2080ti and I am playing on a 3090 with an ultrawide screen monitor (which is why our videos do not look exactly the same). But you can adjust your settings for your own set up and for what works best for you personally. I didn’t like bloom at all but maybe you will. Volumetric Lighting was okay – and I’ll admit I have it set to low at the moment (although not in the video). I reserve the right to change it whenever I want! Also, you’ll probably notice that my brightness is fairly high. It makes the white or lit areas a lot brighter which I need (else I can’t see!). The dark areas are still very dark and without a flashlight, I definitely can’t see. So it’s more like turning up the contrast and less like making everything more visible. I hope my phasmophobia tips and tricks help you with your own game settings.
UPDATE: As of the update on July 21, 2021, the developer made changes to the volumetric lighting. “Removed the high volumetric lighting setting due to a bug causing it to not work. Medium is now changed to High.”
00:00 Intro
00:20 Comparison Clips
02:04 Alan’s settings
02:42 Chicky’s settings
03:18 Outro
Thanks for watching my phasmophobia tutorial on lighting. May your games look more amazing!
Big thanks to Alan Fullmer Music for letting me use his music (and special making this track work for my video) in my videos! Go check out his amazing music over on his YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/AlanFullmerMusic
#phasmophobia #phasmohpobiagame #phasmophobiatips
Fun fact: I was searching for this a month ago. Also I like my settings with volumetric light turned On.
You always find a way to brighten my day up chicky 😃
I prefer your settings, more immersiveve
Chicky TV: has guides and shorts on phasmophobia.
Also chicky TV: has good content
Chicky TV AGAIN: replies to all comments
Me: congrats you deserve a sub
I removed bloom and prefer cleaner view. CHICKY! I'd like to know if the provocation lines are really provoking or not for the ghost. I can't get ghosts to show themselves lol, I tried "im scared", "mdkf", "hunt me", "open this door" and "show yourself" … it wont work, played 3 hours and none of ghosts showed when i asked … and sometimes we get in the room and it sometimes shows itself when we're high on sanity. -_- … well we had 3 shades, but how did my Onis didn't show themselves, … i find it RNG .. maybe there's a mechanic ? (it has to be, right 😕)
I like the "I'm feeling good" music in the video. Thanks Alan.
I only have a word describing this channel and this video
Where do find this fire music
I like Alan's lighting, that's how I have mine set up!
This guide is totally good! but sadly I cannot play it
Thanks definitely changed my settings because of you
Gotta be honest, anything to add a more ‘spooky feeling’ to this game. I had to go Alan 😄
I had to go with Alan but keep up the good work and thank you for showing me this
I need a video for low end graphics for pc/laptop that would be amazing :,D
I do this too but is there a way for it to work for VR? when i play phas vr i get disappointed when i cant have it work for vr
Im not poor i play vr
But what are your reShade settings? 😉
FOV = 69 Nice. The tip about the volumetric lighting being broken on high setting was huge for me 🙂
so many simps in the comments lmao
thx very usefull <3
I think alan's lighting is the real selling point of the vid 😛
Great Video. Thanks. You might want to try out Reshade and some custom presets. Once you do, you might find the base game looking bland. lol
I did Chickys
this made it look so much better thank you
Please note, today's update included this: Removed the high volumetric lighting setting due to a bug causing it to not work. Medium is now changed to High.
I like yours 😍
Is there any way to change the lighting for vr?
Hey chicky can you do a updated lighting video for the newest phasmopbia update
Imma try yours, the game default is near impossible for me as I'm visually impaired. Hopefully that'll make it easier
tnx i like the Alan one
Omg tysm i will sub and like alan settings helped me and its halloween update and it helped me i dint lag tysm i love you bro <3
are all of these settings gone? i cant see volumetric settings or anything on pc settings
My name is chicky chicky chicky chicky 🤪