Video is strictly informative with details of everything you need to know on understanding the basic foundation of the game. For index users, I’ve added controller bindings in steam VR cloud that uses optimal track pad and grip controls. Its titled Anti analog.
After Reaching LVL 3; Your belt presets will be EMF and Strong flash flight with glowstick or UV flash light in hand.
LVL 4: Belt is still EMF strong flash light and now thermometer in free hand
Above lvl 5 is when you have more options to mix things up and add more flavor to your preset.
This was way more helpful than the tutorial. Thanks!
Thanks man! But one thing, How does the Crucifx works?? because when i play with friends , the ghost kill one of us despite having a crucifix.
I´d love to see a guide of all items from you
This video was so helpful man. Thanks a lot
On PC NON VR, Are you able to duel wield items? if so how?
This game seems wayy scarier in VR
So far, you're the only person I've seen play this game that actually treats it like it's real. Cheers.
So do you get to keep the items you use/leave in the house if you complete the missions? (except the one use items like the burn stick thingy)
What happen if player verbally abusing ghost?
Good balance explaining it, but in a mood that matches the game, subbed
How are you liking that pimax?
Yes! thank you for this! As you get further in the game and learn more things, please share with us!
Are you using a haptic suit? Does it work well in this game?
I've played many many horror games in the past but this is the only one I have actually gotten scared from. Broke a vive controller, fell of my chair, punched a hole in the wall, this game is insane. I cant wait to see what else they add.
Very helpful video. I’ve been obsessed with this game, watching every video about it I can.
You can see where the breaker box is on the map in the van.
I love this video and I hope you consider doing some more videos of this game in the future! 😁
Great tips! Also, I don't know how you can play the game in VR solo and not have a heart attack. I can only play with friends, and even then it is the scariest game I have ever played.
Dude you are legend
Absolutely loved the tone of this video. I would love to see more gameplay from you.
Can you make a video of different type of ghost and what they react it too, u explain it much better then other people lol (even tho it kinda say in the game)
I love how when you saw the figure of the ghost standing by the next room, the video immediately cut to you pressing the exist button LMAO. Good job keep up the good videos
u can find the gen on the map in ur van
plz make more walkthroughs!!
This video is awesome. Thank you!
The exception to the 5 minute grace period is the Demon, Demons can and will bypass that Grace period to engage in a hunt, they are the single most aggressive ghost for good reason, the single easiest game I ever had was I walked in, tried to set up, lights immediatley started flickering so I burned a smudge stick and my team and I all hid and huddled in a bathroom nearby, once lights were back we just said fuck it and left. We all called it on Demon so at least we got some money from it
Something you could add, on the map in the truck it will label the generator location.
Please make an advance tutorial.
This is a wide FOV there, looks lime some cameras
His sound damn
It looks like VR has advantages, like wider FOV and being able to use multiple items on your belt. Fair balance since it's scarier, though.
Great guide. Best one I've seen so far for people starting at lvl 1. Thank you!!
Thanks for this, really nicely presented! Hope you upload some more of you playing
I must be super blind because I didnt see shit when you slowed the video. Very informative video btw I knew most of this stuff just from watching people play it. Are you sure you die when sanity hits 0? I know you die when the ghost touches you and usually when you don't get anything on the spirit box in the ghost's room you can cross that out
You sound like an actual ghost hunter that does this as a job every week
This guys voice is so sonorous. Thank you for this tutorial.
I was playing last night with my friend, and he had to use the spirit box in a room solo. It didn't respond, but he heard a grudge sound and turned on his light to see the ghost walking right next to him. Suffice it to say he screamed, I burst into the room holding a cross (I know now that that does nothing lol), and we left in a hurry
wow your voice is incredible! I would listen to you read the dictionary!
Spirit box works both with lights on and in a group. Had a demon respond on one in the small house nursery, both with the light on and while doing initial search in our normal group of 2 sweep.
Thanks I'll use this to prove to my parents that there's a ghost in our house and I'm not a crazy child.