How to Prestige FAST in Phasmophobia (Full Guide)

Want to know how people do fast leveling in Phasmophobia and prestige quick. This guide contains everything you need to know and will also help you identify ghosts faster.

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25 thoughts on “How to Prestige FAST in Phasmophobia (Full Guide)”

  1. Do you have issues doing this strategy? Let me know so I could possibly make a guide on it <3
    IF you are a bit more advanced u can technically figure out a 15th ghost and that is the Wraith. Leave the smudges in the truck and bring salt, if the ghost doesnt walk into salt during hunt its a wraith.

  2. Me and my friends have been using sound sensors and cameras while one person hides in the closet (even if its full by pulling against the closet in boys bedroom) on 14x difficulty with the big thing being our movement speed is normal. Ghost is on 150 speed because we’re so used to increased speed its actually easier for us to tell lol, but it works we get around 4200 every 2 min hunt. We did however do one perfect on 14x and get 5989xp. Only really works in multiplayer since the people watching and listening are the ones in the van using the sensor and camera

  3. I love your videos! I can’t do these hunt speed lvls, as I’m too scared of looping and then listening and focusing on the footsteps, it’s too much for me… but I always appreciate the work you put into them ❤

  4. I think the one I started playing this weekend is like 10.30x. Very similar but I put flashlights off, snow, no grace,150% ghost and I've been playing willow. I exit the match if I don't know what the ghost actually is. I don't want to guess and mess up my stats.😊

  5. im just in awe. mans can identify the ghost in .5 seconds but i cant even get the ghost room right 🤦🏻‍♀️ usually they just spawn on me and i die instantly.

  6. If you struggle with footsteps during hunts, here is the timestamps for each explained footstep speed!
    Love you Psycho for this awesome guide <3

    5:10 Normal speed (1,7ms);
    5:47 Raiju/Jinn max speed (2,5ms);
    6:43 Deogen max speed (3ms), Deogen slowest speed (0,4ms);
    7:05 Moroi 0 sanity speed (2,25ms);
    7:26 Thaye max speed (2,75ms);
    7:50 Slow twin (1,5ms);
    8:05 Fast twin (1,9ms);
    8:24 Hantu lowest speed (1,4ms);

  7. My friends dont believe in this technique as they say its a waste of time, i am new to the game what can i mostly do to get more knowledge on the ghosts? i tried it for a round with them and i said raiju bc of the increasing in line of sight, but it was a moroi was it a good guess? Thanks Psycho for the vids!!!


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