How to Read the Activity Monitor in Phasmophobia

Ever seen the activity monitor in the truck? Ever wondered what that thing really is for? In this video I’ll explain how you use it and how you can read EMF-5 straight off of it. Should you have any more questions after watching the video, feel free to post them, I will answer them!

Game: Phasmophobia

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24 thoughts on “How to Read the Activity Monitor in Phasmophobia”

  1. I just wanna verify: what you're saying is that the wiki is wrong?
    cuz the wiki says it's either ==, -1, or -2

    EDIT: I think it's just semantics with the EMF 1

    correct me if I'm wrong but TLDR: jumps of 4 or 5 mean = EMF 5, ghost event, hunt, or synchronous EMF's
    and sync EMF can be produced by twins, poltergeist, yurei, events, or if you're incredibly unlucky any ghost can do it

  2. I love how your guides just clipped from streams and uploaded to youtube are shortest and the most informatic. 7 minutes of the last video about activity monitor straight like flew without any want to rewind it at any moment even though nothing new for me in there

  3. if I understand correctly, a "twinteraction" can present as low as a 1 on the bar if both interactions roll -1, or as high 5 if both rolled +1 (as shown at 3:45), or I guess if the interactions are like a microsecond apart, you get that mid-line slant like 5:21. amazing presentation btw, with great visuals and real world examples!

  4. you can achieve at least an 88% confidence value to rule out EMF5 if you observe TWELVE interactions with no 4 or 5 jumps
    90% confidence after thirteen interactions
    92% fourteen
    93% fifteen
    95% seventeen

    99.99% after 51 (diminishing returns)

    1 – [ ( chance it doesn't give EMF 5 OR it does give EMF 5 but underestimates on chart ) ^ number of interactions ]
    = 1 – [ ( (3/4) + (1/4)(1/3) )^N ]

    you can also make the confidence value even more accurate by accounting for how many of the ghosts left in your journal could possibly give EMF5
    such as (5 possible EMF 5 ghosts / 13 ghosts total left available as possibilities in journal)
    and this value would be outside the exponent base

  5. 3:33 In addition to Polty's ability, Twinteraction, Ghost Event, it could also be Yurei's ability and Ghost writing or Flame blowing simultaneously with ordinary interaction.
    I'm not sure because it is so rare but in theory Mare's ability too since I've witnessed they did it during a ghost event and that'll suggest they can do it simultaneously with other actions.

  6. as a clear way to easily remember how it works on the activity board, is it correct to say that the activity board should never read higher than the activity's EMF reader number? because the EMF reader number already includes the +1. i.e. unless its EMF 5, an interaction can never ever read higher on the activity board than 2, a throw can never ever read higher than 3.


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