A comprehensive hunt in Phasmophobia to share some tips and tricks to solo ANY map of your choosing at ANY difficulty. I started doing solos at level 30 way back then and found multiple tricks that might help you overcome the fright of taking on your first hunt alone! **Note** That I forgot basic things for extra money such as fingerprints pictures while I was trying to keep it as short as possible, my bad!
Let me know if you any of those tips helped you in the comments!
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#Phasmophobia #PhasmophobiaTutorial #PhasmophobiaSoloTips
I came for the floof!! I miss it so much! 😭
Pro tips from the pro himself! Don't forget the victory dance.
Nice tips POGIS 👌💙🖤
Ça aurait été bien de voir quoi faire lorsque le fantôme starts hunting you, like where to hide, what happen when he opens the closet door, etc. Mais super bien les trucs !!
If only I was less afraid of this game, solid advice for both new and veteran players!
Excellent Guide. Straight to the point and spot on.