How to Tell Ghost Events & Hunts Apart | Phasmophobia

In this guide, I showcase some of the biggest differences between ghost events and hunts in Phasmophobia. I explain some key ways to help you tell them apart during your investigations. I hope you find this useful, and please leave a like if you do!

00:00 Intro
00:18 Lights turning off & doors closing
00:52 Lights on/flickering
01:05 Red light event
01:15 Front door locking
01:32 Front door closing without locking
01:52 Ghost immediately visible
02:15 Footstep noises
02:26 Grace periods
03:19 Shadow & Translucent models
03:34 Ghost flickering
03:49 Toggling light switches
04:24 Hunting noise
04:46 Outro

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23 thoughts on “How to Tell Ghost Events & Hunts Apart | Phasmophobia”

  1. The best indicator if it is a Ghost Event or a Hunt is just listen to the front door lock. Also another thing is if the ghost starts to sing Ring a round a rosie its a ghost event. But still, there is a fine line between an event a hunt.

  2. Great video as always but i got a serious question for ya. You think ghosts can kill you on cursed hunts before it materializes? It happened twice while i was playing with friends, once when someone drew death and another when I pushed a pin in the doll's heart, and both times, the hunt ended before the ghost even materialized cuz my friend happened to be standing right on top of the ghost. Might've been a bug, idk, but we might need to test that.

  3. There has been a slight change to hunts as of update v0.6.2.0! At the start of hunts during the grace period when the ghost is not visible, you will no longer hear footstep noises.

  4. I also use the radio as an indicator if I’m hidden and need to check without leaving my hiding spot, the radio static will be garbled during a hunt and will go back to normal when the hunt is over (but of course if you test it while the ghost is nearby it’ll hear you 😝)

  5. This vid showed on my main page just after i got a match where ghost started flashing light so i started running away, and my friends said:
    -Its event you f*king coward!
    And just after about 2 secs i heard his neck crack


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