Here’s a Phasmophobia guide on all the different ghost speeds and what they mean.
Zero Evidence Guide:
All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:
Phasmophobia Beginner’s Guide:
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Really helpful video!! Question why do you leave one door open when you hide in a closet with 2 doors (kind of inconsistent there was a bit where both doors are closed)?? Won't the ghost find you?
Maggs you must have been a teacher in another life. So easy to understand, clear and concise details. Thanks for these videos!
I really love it so I'm liking it plus I'm subbed on yt followed on twitch used to have a sub on twitch but it ran out I'm in the discord watched you since 9th September ish and loved your content since and I'm lvl 1,300 sorry I ain't in the stream today I just can't be bothered going on twitch also tmr ima use channel points to unlock MaggsDerp again
Thank youuuuu I’ve been hoping to find a video like this! This is still something that I’ve been having trouble with!
Omg I needed this, I have a hard time differentiating from normal or like faster twin, thank you!!
Ooh! Idea for a tiktok, you know how you made a quiz if its a hunt or an event? How about quiz for ghost speed?
Literally picked up Phasmo a few hours back, glad to see vids like these to give me a head start!
These are some of the most detailed and comprehensive guides for any game I've been able to find. Thank you
I personally like to nod my head to the steps like a beat (like when you listen to music) and sort of see how fast I'm nodding.