A video in which I explain how and when to place a crucifix to stop ghost from hunting and killing you or your team mates.
remember that most ghosts must be within a 3m radius for this to work and it is PREVENTION!
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first great video very helpful most of all I wanted to share my experiences with the crucifix with you and maybe you can put it to the test, I know you said the crucifix needs to be placed on the ground but I have in several investigations been able to utilize the crucifix while in my hand and it has disappeared from my possession after the second haunt block, is this just me and are you willing to try
Im actually alittle sad that throwing the crucifix at the hunting ghost does nothing, and even though the friends i played with confirmed the information shared with me in this video, id still often joke and throw the crucifix and shouting "the power of christ compels you" for the lols
The amount of times I've seen a ghost walk right on top of the crucifix and still kill me is actually amazing.. Done it in all ways shapes or form, I've actually just giving uo on that crucifix is so bugged right now
No wonder ive always died .. damn no exact tutorial .. Kinda Switch with the Smudge stick .. Put smudge stick on floor while equipping the crucifix. Always dead.. Thanks for clarfy
I still cant get them to work, ever. Last night I was determined to get one to work so I played two of them in a doorway that I was going to lead the ghost through, and he still just walked right over it and continued hunting. Its maddening.
A big scary thing happened with my friends! The ghost just picked up the crucifix and threw it away.
I don't know if they modified the functionality since this video, but you can actually drop it during a hunt phase while the ghost is even pursuing you and they will leave you and everyone within the radius alone. My friend and I were playing and the hunt started and I dropped it in the middle of a room and we both just stood over the crucifix and the ghost started coming towards us and then just gave up and disappeared while attempting to enter the range.
How to know, that the crusifix, I used, is allready useless (after 2 huntings). Does the texture change or something?
Thank you. I've been trying to use the crucifix like a holy grenade. 😆
Although all 4 of us know how the crucifix work, we never managed to make it work for the optional objective 😕
I'm still kind of confused about the crucifix, because one time when I was playing with my friends in High School, I lured a ghost to come and hunt me. I didn't know the correct way of using the crucifix, so when the ghost came in front of me (in hunting mode) I just threw it at it, and it actually worked, in fact it worked 2 times, and it didn't disappear and the task was still incomplete. Was it luck or was it a bug? I am so confused about it, can someone give me an explaination about it?
I just don't thind ANY crucifix placement consistent at all. I've had ghosts walk over 3 of them down a narrow corridor and kill me
You can out run most ghosts except a revent
Yes it his me in the corner in ur games , I am the Ghosty
Ok I already knew this, but recently I tried playing and we put both crucifixes in the haunt room. BEFORE hunt. But twice now when it starts to hunt it just ignores the crucifix. We tried to stand on it until it hunted, we tried to hold one and stand on another, just whatever we do isn’t working. Do you know why this is?
So basically:
Crucifix = Preventative
Smude Sticks = Curative
Cheers, I needed this after I used one for the first time and just yeeted it through a dead guy's forehead before dying.
Yo it's a cat