A video where I explain the benefits and risks of using a Ouija Board in Phasmophobia.
How do you burn a Luigi Board?
How do you use a wedgie board?
wa wa weg board
my ouija board is cussing me out?
Oh, thats handy. Thanks.
Luigi says: ghosts are okey dokey
Thanks for the tutorial! Weegee boards seem to really kill you quick if you use it without knowing what to ask lmao
Our hero comes to save us again
Bruh your glowsticks :/
*weegee board
oija bords ;D Damn awesome vid only 500 sub :OOO
Thank you, this is very helpful!
Me and a friend have been getting into Phasmophobia recently, and I just wanted to say that your channel, and all your videos have been a great help!
thank you thank you
I appreciate the video getting straight to the point and the extra bit of info in regards to the questions you can ask it.
How to use a Waluigi board!
can you do a guide to ghost orbs please
came to your voice thanks
played the game & was absolutely clueless, now I have various things to mess with..very informative tutorials, all thanks to you ^^
0:05 hitler hello, subbed ,gl my friend!! edit:my friends keep wanting me to go inside after we found the ghost type just so i can die,then they call me a coward : P
I wish the board was more reliable, considering its steep cost to use.
it took 38 hours for me to die for the first time and it was because i used a ouija board
What button we use to talk with ouija board?
mine didnt flash / answer
It was great, I hope you get a lot of subscribers
Damn. Your voice sounds great as a narrator.
I have a haunted museum in real life so this game for me is just amazing, this game is the only way I would use a ouija board, I have several in real life but nah I will just keep to this game 😅
Nice vid bruh helped me out
never gotten it to work. nothing happends
Ah yes, im thirsty for hunt
Can you use the ouija board at the truck?
Hey! Love these tutorials, can you make one about the Spirit Box and all the questions you can ask the ghosties using that? Thanks
Ghost said utiljuk
Why do people pronounc it weegee, it's spelled ouija, so u pronounce weega
Luigi board?????
This is not an information video, it will only confuse you giving you no clarity on the subject. These people no nothing about how to properly set up an ouija board or how to protect oneself from malevolent spirits who are trapped on this earth plane. Naturally, there are many spirits here and around us but we are not looking to speak to any random spirit, we want to speak to one that is diretly assigned to us and concerned for our well being, one that will help provide vital information benificial to our growth and understanding of what we are going through and what lessons we are experiencing. This video is nothing but a money maker and is wasting your time and energy.
Where we need to press keyboard
i talk to the luigi board, and it doesnt respond nor does the light flicker
Can u tell me how to use ouije board
Luigi board
Heya! Thank you for the super informative video! I was wondering if you’re successful with asking the ouija board qs cause my voice is never recognised! I play with two guy friends and they always get a response while I have a feminine voice and it never hears me ;-; I hope it’s not my accent being unrecognisable!
Guys heres a tip never use quija board in real life its just not good
i play 70 hours and have no respond..
Where we can press the keyboard
Apparently you can ask what it's favourite pokémon is
I Never get a anwser
fullminate el video
How to pick it up?
Want to play ouija board in phasmophobia but always not moving or blinking… I think is my english pronounce wrong, by the way I am play Asia Server
I get confused with ouija and luigi
how the fuck i turn it on cause i press f and e and mouse right and left click but none works