Hunted & Killed By Phasmophobia Ghost!

Phasmophobia is a terrifying game where you try to detect ghosts and make contact with them. You play a ghost hunter. Except in this video the ghost hunter (me), get hunted and killed by the Phasmophobia ghosts. What a crock!

If you play this game, be prepared for plenty of jump-scares and to literally be scared. I’m 47 years old, I am pretty much not afraid of anything and find horror themes to be silly. However, for whatever reason, Phasmophobia really creeps me out.

I play this game with the lights in my computer room turned down low, with my headphones on, and with the door to my man cave closed. Scary as hell!

I plan to play more Phasmophobia. I find being terrified by a video game …. interesting. Sadly, in this video I am hunted and killed by the ghost.

Phasmophobia can be played solo, or you can bring along three friends to help you hunt ghosts.

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