I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOSTS! | Phasmophobia Part 13

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47 thoughts on “I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOSTS! | Phasmophobia Part 13”

  1. These mods of yours sound like how the ones for a Discord server I used to own would misbehave like… literally all the time. Sounds like you might need to assign new mods, not that I had that option at the time since I had literally no one else that was qualified XD

  2. Wade: responding to chat

    Patrick: in the background* and that’s why Ash is possibly the worst character. If only he actually used strategic moves- *continues on why Ash is the worst character as a faint voice in the bg of Wade talking.*

  3. I miss the days when I had endless time to watch let's plays Because this channel, Garuku and BreadheroDan were channels I just watched entire play playlists of foe hours every day.

    Miss you George 😅

  4. But we are still watching Wade! I miss your hair 🙃 I actually watch you and Bob more than I watch Mark anymore. You guys are absolutely hilarious

    22:02 I loved Digimon as a kid, I still watch it sometimes now. I had little action figures that i would use to attack my barbies, it was great.

    1:01:07 Ahh one of my favorite Ozzy songs! Mr corncob

  5. thermameter is the best tool for finding the ghost room asap. cold but not freezing temps is the first thing any ghost has happening on any difficulty. in one of the houses on amateur using it you can complete the whole mission before the safety timer is up. just scan the rooms to find one that goes below 10 C and then bring in a tripod, emf, box, book, light, and journal. toss the box, journal, and box on the ground while on, drop the tripod viewing the room, and start looking at nearby doors and things. with 4 people you can do this in one run especially on shy ghosts that wont do anything around the group.

  6. The skill Wade carries off so effortlessly with talking in an in depth discussion about anime plus listening and reading the chat at the same time is incredible to witness…this, ladies and gentlemen is wades literal finest hour👏👏👏👏

  7. I swear towards the end there Wade sounded like he was actually getting mad with his Mods over the prediction polls cause they were doing everything but during the game.

  8. 43:08 That's not true though. We can't the full spectrum of Wade without JP ruining his day somehow.
    46:39 Never. Do. That. Again. I can't stand uwu stuff normally, except from certain furry Youtubers doing so as a joke, but with that voice it's even worse.
    As a final note on the cookie discussion, Seinfeld had it right. The black and white cookie is superior.

  9. That talk about pain hit me so hard. I just lousy my beautiful white kitty boy who I’ve had since god 5,6,7. As well he was a link to my dad who I lost when I was 10. So having that link broken 😞


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