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New episode!!! Wooooo! Love this series!
Would yous be able to play demonoligisy loving that series as much this as well keep it up
I’ve been loving this series.
I would love to see bere play this on vr
Tip on taking perfect 3 star pictures
You have to take a picture of something with your crosshair on it, everything has to be centered
small tip: you can hold the UV light on the fingerprint and it will charge it up so that the fingerprint will stay and you can take a picture of it
Awesome vid.! Have a great day you guys! 😊❤
Day 65 of asking you guys to try escape the backrooms when you have the chance please
Day 22 of asking bere to make the return of Minecraft in 7 days to die in Friday the 13th
I tend to find myself at crossroads sometimes with determining the ghost type. Often times, I will provoke. a hunt and listen to the speed. so just a future tip, listening to the speed of the ghost can help knock out a bunchhhh of the ghost types. especially towards the end when it’s already narrowed down
edit. tyler’s correct. those little orbs are just your breathe in the light
play texas chainsaw massacre
What does the countdown clock in the truck mean at 5:47?
5 weeks 2 days of asking for more wreckfest videos
I've been here since episode 1 of the first season! I'd watched ur Roblox videos before Phasmophobia even came out lol 😂😊❤
A nice little tip if you have a dots ghost is if you get a picture of it going through dots it counts as a ghost picture, and pixie doesn’t have to hold the thermometer to get a reading, she can drop it and look at it later
I haven’t tried it, but I think you guys should try the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre video game. It seems a lot like Dead By Daylight! I’m not sure if it’s good, but it looks fun!
Play chainsaw massacre the game
Hey you three should try chainsaw massacre and play as the family Is three killers versus four victims
you guys should play the leatherface game, it looks pretty cool and gives me a sorta dead by daylight kinda vibe and a think it would be cool too see yall play it
where is snapple43?
When Bere said that he was positive that he saw D.O.T.S., that was not possible. That evidence would mean it's a Goryo and the only possible way to see a Goryo run through the projector is through the camera. If it shows itself in the projector while people are nearby, it cannot be a Goryo.
It is a torture to watch you call out wrong evidences but you got the right spirit. Good vid.
anybody else hear the snoring lol