This is a clip from a recent video. This made me laugh so much! Let me know if you enjoy getting these funny highlights as a separate short in your feed every now and then (even if the full video is on youtube as well). I will also link to the original videos so you can see the full run if you want! I have been loving these Phasmophobia shorts too much not to upload them hahaha And they’re bonus videos anyway!
If you want to watch the full video:
I stream every day live at 7PM CEST, 1PM EST, 10AM PST over on
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch
“Why kill me man?”
i do, in fact, enjoy shorts like these
3 views, 10 likes. Youtube is drunk.
oh no why did you killed him? ;^
If a new ghost model comes out with a knife, now we'll know it's an Insym ghost.
That was legendary man
You should make A second youtube called
"Insym Shorts"
Thats why he is so good! He isn‘t the ghosthunter… he is the ghost
'Y u kill me man'
Insym the true villain of this story
Also do more shorts they are really fun to watch
"Why you kill me man"

Was just watching one of Insym's videos.
Hope everybody has a nice weekend!
"Y u kill me man?" He sounded so disappointed!
There been a murder… Confirm
Pleaseee NEVER stop with the shorts!!! It is the best!!
i think you played way too much and become possesed by a yurei.
i pranked my brother once and he cant play with me because of that
This is easily the best thing I’ve ever seen
Lmao!!! The displeasure in his voice
these shorts are perfect for my insanely short atention span
So rude! D: and absolutely perfect timing

bruh that "Y yu kill me man?" I cant..
I would like to report a crime
Sus sym
this is soo convenient. rip replay button.
Hahah yes. Thank you for clipping this into a short. Hilarious segment from a community game XD
When was this recorded I have to go watch VOD of it
@Insym you are starting to like making short vids
The laugh of this guy is contagious
I love these shorts
Ladies and gentlemen we got em
Why you kill me man
I've seen this live during the stream, again in the upload and now this. It NEVER gets old!! I love it
If I was that guy I would have uninstalled the game
Insym is The Imposter
That movement and his perfect response hahaha
he murdered him because he was lonely as a ghost
Hi insym Hope your having a good day and keep inspiring and motovating people everyday


Reminds me of the time we were playing in one of the farmhouses, we were getting hunted, and my friend came around a corner and tossed me a hand saw for some reason. I decided not to part with my new self-defense weapon for the rest of the game, even took it home in the truck
“To saw or not to saw” was my new motto for that game