I Brought back an AGE OLD Challenge: Evidence Elimination – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we bring back a super old challenge: Evidence Elimination. In this challenge you slowly lose every evidence item until you play a no evidence run. If you beat the no evidence run you win. Let’s see if we can do it!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1


43 thoughts on “I Brought back an AGE OLD Challenge: Evidence Elimination – Phasmophobia”

  1. Tiny question : How did he know it was a Hantu at the very beginning?

    It could've been a Thaye with that speed or a Deo looping the car for a second,

    I don't get how he knew it was a Hantu particurally due to its speed

  2. In order to stop it from reaching a true no evidence run maybe there could be a way to re-enable items? My current idea is that if you would lose an already lost item then you regain the item instead. For example if you lose emf, spirit box, and ghost writing one game and the ghost has writing in the next then you would regain ghost writing for games afterward.

    This would have the side effect of making the challenge easier because of how easy it would be to regain all of your items so maybe some other rules could could be added to let the challenge keep its difficulty without turning into a true no evidence run.

  3. Your challenges inspired me to make some for when my friends and I play. I've got 2 that we've tried and enjoy, thought you might like them!
    (Had to revise the 2nd one for singleplayer)


    – No electronic Equipment besides the Basic Flashlight and Photo Camera.

    – Proximity Chat only (If playing multiplayer)

    – Farmhouse Location

    Game Decides
    – Your challenge is determined by the Cursed Object

    – Haunted Mirror: You cannot enter bathrooms

    – Summon Circle: Your first confirmed Evidence is your last, no more using evidence items afterwards

    – Voodoo Doll: No hiding spots during Hunts

    – Tarot Cards: Immediately test your luck, every player, until the deck is gone

    – Ouiji Board: No Sprinting allowed

    – Music Box: Proximity Chat only (If multiplayer). No light sources allowed, whether its equipment or houselights (If singleplayer)

  4. Challenge idea: In a patch where no evidence is achievable most of the time with some additional time investment a race to no evidence is boring imo.

    The truck dispenser: Start with a full truck and any item you take out of the truck is gone for any future runs. If you for example take out a Flashlight, EMF, Photo cam. Next run you have 3 Flashlights, 1Emf, 2 Photo cams and so on left. (might want to have a sheet on hand to track your items)

    This would be way more interesting to see the decision you make on what items to take in any given run, juggling light sources, smudgesticks, evidence, support items etc. until you stand there without items or an unbeatable house.
    This would give some rarely used items potential times to shine just to conserve other items for future runs or make use of in house items more. So unless you go into the house without items you will always whittle away on your supply.

  5. As much as I've expressed my love for the sound sensor previously, to be fair I would like to see it revamped as well… add challenges related to it as well as utilize it as an evidence for the ghost where a particularly unique effect would be inherent to a ghost type. At least something to make it more… useful lol

  6. If you had the paitence of a god, you could do a variation of the challenge where, locked items are unlocked if they were evidence on a Ghost (basically toggles them Locked/Unlocked when they were evidence) and see how long it takes to reach Zero Evidence state

  7. U can do a challenge where u only get rid of the evidence u used during the game , for example : for twins u only used spirit box so u only get rid of spirit box not thermo and emf unless u figure out the evidence using them

  8. On your comments about the sound sensor: the entire issue would be fixed if they added a radar-like function to the board you were talking about and also sound-based secondary evidence. We already have the spirit box for main evidence, so we should be able to get EVP evidence through the sound sensor similar to the paramic (maybe even get ghosts with hidden abilities related to the sound sensor too). Make sound evidence count toward your rewards like photos do too, and you've got yourself a reason to always be looking for sounds in the moments when the ghost is being shy with the main evidence. To combat the tediousness of setting them up, have sound sensors built into the building cameras in large maps. Bam, fixed.

    I'm also looking forward to when they make it where you need to film interactions with the video cam but you can still use the photo cam to take pictures of everything else. That would be a good way to keep the video cam from just being an orb detector.

  9. My buddy has gotten killed twice in middle of driveway. Nobody ever saw the ghost either time. Do you know why or how it happens? They were street houses I don’t remember which ones

  10. Could bring back the Big Brain Challenge next. I think it went like this: you have 1 token, you use that token to unlock an evidence item. If the ghost has that evidence, you get your token back and can unlock another evidence items.

  11. I've got an idea for the wheel challenge (if it's not on there already) no (!item roll x3)if you're lucky it's something like no sound sensor, motion sensor, candle. If you're unlucky it's something like no flashlight, no candle, no video cam (with flashlight and strong flashlight being 1 item…)

  12. Onryo should have a chance to do something weird with candle smoke.
    Obake should have a higher chance to interact with objects that give finger prints.
    Goryo roaming should be heavily linked to sanity and should never shift rooms. Alternatively it should roam between it’s room and the room where the bone is/was. (Place of death)

  13. When a Phasmomaster is getting broke playin the game how bad and demoralising is it for the common ghosthunter then… Not a good longterm strategy for a game i would say… And i have seen other YT play o boy.

  14. Insym I have a suggestion you do an inverse of this challenge where you start with 0 evidence but you get the evidence items the ghost has but if you die you lose the items the ghost has

  15. I've noticed that Insym actually gets bamboozled by the Mare somewhat regularly. I think it is cause more often than not, he seems to prefer having the lights off, so the Mare doesn't really reveal itself by constantly turning lights off.


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