Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we bring back the ultimate classic challenge: Photo Randomizer WITH NOTHING ELSE. We have been doing all kinds of crazy combination challenges lately and I thought we’d just bring back the good old classic for once. I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1
Love watching you play always makes my day when I'm down.
It's hot but 30° what?? Its 97 today here I wonder where you are northern canada?
30 degrees, "extremely hot" 😂😂😂
Hey, Insym! Have you played Painscreek killings? If not i sntrongly recommend playing it. Thriller-detective game with great plot. Much love!
Also I enjoy this challenge hops you do it again sometime!
Have you considered adding alternative control methods to the challenge wheel? The game supports gamepads which I could see being a challenge if you are used to only keyboard and mouse controls. You could also get creative with the remappable key bindings on a keyboard like swap the W/S A/D for movement or maybe even randomize which button is the use key or have chat vote on annoying keybinds or something.
CJ Is gona wait until Insym is level 9999 and then reset everyone’s level
at the start it visible that he struggled to say where he live exactly, strange
An idea of a challenge: only run backwards, it would be really funny 😀
Is it really that unfair to be allowed a lighter automatically when you roll a smudge stick or candle? I feel like that should be allowed.
Only 40°c? Thats nothing it gets to 48 over here
Most people: "30 degrees? Its okay Insym, we'd like to see you shirtless anyway bro."
Americans: 🧊🧊 I can use my nose drippings as chopsticks 🧊🧊
“It is very hot at 30 degrees”
looks over to see it’s 40 degrees where I live
Must be nice lmao
New challenge. Play with thermometer on Fahrenheit
i have some ideas! have cj and psycho with you on a zero sanity run, both cj and psycho die and as ghosts sabotage your evidence and distract you from the real ghost! another harder challenge would be if they are alive and sabotaging
Paid actor
Insym: "It's extremely hot." Obviously uncomfortable.
Apparently the whole comment section: How dare you be uncomfortable, I am the most uncomfortable because this is the victim olympics.
Imagine people from different places and climates having different tolerances for temperature. What a novel concept. /:
When you said classic challenge I thought you meant old phamo again haha
3:15 "we need to find the boner"
When the asylum gets replaced is that also when the progression update comes out?
i was playing phasmo today and someone was 10000+ lvl and i said he can't be pro like insym 🤣
I think photo randomizer challenge was the first video of yours that I watched, way back when this game was still in beta and was totally different.