I CAN NOT STOP SCREAMING… | Phasmophobia (Exposition Update)

Welcome back to finally another episode of Phasmophobia! This game had a pretty big update recently and so I had to get a team together and check it out!! New equipment, new ghosts, new houses.. Let’s do this.

People in video:
Bazamalam – @BazIsNotReal
Crofteria – @Crofteria
DawkosGames – @Dawko

2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6LSW-L7wOFb7i562dOElBA
Get some 8-BitRyan merch here: https://fanfiber.com/collections/8bit-ryan
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iam8bitryan
Check out my Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/8bitryan/?hl=en
Follow me on Twitter – https://twitter.com/IAm8BitRyan

Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/

Myuu: http://youtube.com/myuuji
Kevin Macleod: http://incompetech.com/wordpress/

Ironside Click here to customize your own PC – https://ironsidecomputers.com/


32 thoughts on “I CAN NOT STOP SCREAMING… | Phasmophobia (Exposition Update)”

  1. I'm weak with horror game and yet i still playing horror game,but phasmo?… Don't know why It doesn't scare me at all when i played the game,i'm quite disappointed tbh because it's not as scary as i thought

  2. Here are some update tips:
    – Don't try and say the ghost's name until you got all the evidence
    – You can use the video camera to find ghost orbs instead of having to go back and fourth to the truck
    – You HAVE to turn off all your devices and be completely silent or they WILL find you no matter how well you're hiding
    – Flashlight, regardless if you're hiding, NEEDS to be off or the ghost will find you (exactly like if devices are on)
    – Flashlights also don't flash if you aren't near the ghost
    – With the DOTS, you'll see a quick white figure and that's a piece of evidence
    – Don't stand close to the door. Try to find the farthest corner and hide there. The ghosts now usually open the doors regardless or can actually just kill you through the door and walls.
    – When smudging during a hunt, you have to wait until you hear heartbeats, light the smudge, and throw it at the ghost. If the smudge causes the ghost to turn around for a moment, you got the achievement of repel while in a chase
    – Photos of ghosts during a hunt don't/very rarely work
    – On the camera make sure the middle square on the camera has the object and/or ghost in the photos to be three stars (gives more money)

    That's all I can think of at the moment. I hope this helps 🙂

    Fun change at least in my opinion:
    – Each ghost has a different hum when revealing itself and also its own grudge noise when hunting.

  3. Hey Ryan, idk if you would see this comment but there's a really good horror game in Roblox called "The Mimic" it is a good multiplayer game which consistent of 5 players. The game gives good horror games, the quality is good and etc. Every chapter 1-4 (in the The Mimic) got mazes which you need to find and solve stuffs. But beware, there's going to be loud jumpscares and monsters going to chase you ;D


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