I Did a MEGA Challenge for Level 13000 – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! What you are about to watch might be one of the LAST mega challenges before the level wipe. Every 1000 levels I do a mega challenge where I do a different challenge on each of the maps in Phasmophobia. This one is extra crazy! ENJOY!

I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform

Intro: 00:00
Insanity Difficulty – Tanglewood: 1:17
Twitch Plays Phasmophobia – Willow 9:35
Thief Simulator – Ridgeview: 23:37
Chat = Ears, No Sanity – High School: 42:16
No Evidence – Grafton: 54:04
Ghost Gambling – Edgefield: 1:24:44
No Sanity – Maple Lodge: 1:40:27
Candle Only, No Lights – Bleasdale: 1:56:46
Locked in – Prison: 2:11:28
Photo Randomizer – Camp Woodwind: 2:21:06
24x – Sunny Meadows: 2:50:00

NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8


43 thoughts on “I Did a MEGA Challenge for Level 13000 – Phasmophobia”

  1. I think a cool idea for a challenge would be something like a True Investigation: Perhaps every time you enter the map you cannot use audio, and you must find the ghost with sensors like sound sensors, motion sensors, and a para mic?

  2. Hey insym, congratz on lvl 13.000, it is always cool to see you do challenges like those and overall it is always great fun to watch you, be it on stream or on youtube. I hope everything continues to work well for you and that you'll still have plenty of fun on phasmophobia and other games in the future.

    Btw speaking of challenges, isn't technically Apocalypse challenge on Tanglewood the hardest thing to do? No hiding spot and 50%-150% speed on a small map sounds litteraly like death assured, but i can't help but want to see you try and come up with strats to beat it. That said tanglewood really sounds impossible on apocalypse difficulty, but you could try variations like allowing plenty hiding spots to hope to make it from one to the other and stuff, or doing it on another map, like the farmhouses and such, i think it could be fun and entertaining to watch.

    Maybe you could try those idea for lvl 14.000 if you read this? (fingers crossed). Have a nice evening

  3. After watching the most recent vids of yours I’m definitely able to figure out the ghost more times than not. I have a good 8.1x custom difficulty so making good money as well. Thanks for describing why ghosts do what they do as you go it is super helpful.

  4. This video is so fun!! Am I the only one that was so confused when Insym thought the Grafton Yurei was an Onryo? I get it was roaming away from the candles, but it never hunted or ate a crucifix after blowing out a candle-and it blew out more than 3. Did they change the Onryo so that it doesn’t hunt after blowing out a candle 3 times?

  5. I remember watching you at the old days of phasmo, you inspired me to buy this game years ago. This week, after years without playing or so, i just wanna play it again, everything is new

  6. Do you just draw the tarot cards for entertainment? Cus honestly they seem like a bad deal and I don’t ever use them because of it. I mean aside the fact it’s around a 1/10 chance of instantly dying to hanged man there’s also a pretty good chance of not getting what you want or it being actively harmful. 

    For example you want the death card to get a hunt sooner, it’s only a 65% chance of getting at least one death card. However you don’t want sun or hanged man which is around a 46% chance.

    I dunno tarot cards just seem like a really bad idea to use other then for giggles. Which I guess is your objective.

  7. I had a dream that they added four news ghosts. They didn't even make room in the journal for the names so they just clipped off the edge of the journal. The ghost names where stuff like "The One Who Remains" and "The Dark One" and "The Devil Himself." Not those exactly but names to those effect. The ghosts where freaking jacked. they had their own ghost models and you never survived any of their hunts.

  8. Just someone who is newer to Phasmo

    When it's a mimic, it's evidence will mimic one ghost, like a Demon-Mimic, but it can change its hunting style to be any ghost as an ability right? When it says abilities used "7" it means it mimicked the abilities of another ghost 7 times? It doesn't actually change like the evidence or anything right?

  9. I think a cool challenge would be a no electricity challenge. Like no breaker and only use equipment that doesn't have power (candles, crucifix, glow stick…..)

  10. I have an idea for a challenge, Insym. Not sure what to call it though.

    At the beginning, all equipment is available to you. But everytime you narrow down the ghost type, whether that be through primary evidence or secondary, you have to roll for an item to give up, or for every 3 minutes where you cannot narrow down the ghost type, you also have to give up an item.

  11. The content is amazing as always! I'm really looking forward to "Сomplete ghost-girls encyclopedia" by Insym. There was one game where Thaye literally destroyed me and I don't know what i did wrong.

  12. I've played Phasmo for over a year now, and I will be leaving Phasmo due to the actions of the Devs. There are huge issues ingame that they refuse to address and instead choose to invest their time into pointless half finished updates that just further break the game. As devs have begun silencing forum posts on Steam, I will be posting here for all to see. I seriously caution anyone thinking of buying this game, and I will be explaining why. Some months back before the game became a chaotic cluster mess, the devs took a good bit of the hiding spots away. We players adapted by hiding behind doors. Wasnt long until the devs showed their vindictive side and recoded the ghosts to specifically target players hiding behind doors, over other players. Months later, this isnt so much an issue anymore as the current bugs far outweigh this. The new report system the devs put in was something we all thought would be good. We were wrong. On day 1, the trolls were mass reporting people, and so the devs released a statement saying all reports would be handled by a person and not some automated machine. Again, this didnt work out the way we all thought. Some time ago recently, my friend who has over 4200 hours ingame and is over level 18000, was vac banned by one of the devs after being mass reported by trolls. The dev didnt even bother to look into the situation, he just banned my friend. I'm not one for taking things laying down ,especially when it comes to my friends. I jumped in the discord and demanded an explanation. About 2 hours later, my friend was finally unbanned. We didnt even recieve and apology from the dev. Now, the devs have chose to attack the Steam modding community. Phasmo is on a downward spiral to self destructing and players are leaving in droves because they are resetting everyone as if they had never played the game at all. The issue with this, is that all we recieve in return, is a little consolation prize of a sticker on our player cards. The game has been in development for over 2 years now and is so much worse off than it was a year ago. I truly hope the devs either see this or are told. You idiots messed with the wrong community!!

  13. One of the challenges the devs could do is make all of the gear you take into the map be spread around the inside of the building instead of the truck. Imagine having to find your gear in the house!


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