The Easter update is here, and there’s a big easter egg hunt to take part in. With 396 eggs spread across 10 maps, this won’t take long right? …RIGHT?!
Chillhop music used:
Makzo – Shanti
Middle School – The Way We Were
00:00 Introduction & Patch Notes
02:30 Tanglewood
29:42 Willow
45:55 Edgefield
01:06:27 Ridgeview
01:39:30 Grafton
02:00:30 Bleasdale
02:31:54 Maple
03:29:04 High School
06:12:17 Prison
07:13:29 Asylum
Happy Easter weekend! Enjoy the egg hunts 🥚🐰
Thank you for this video! I now have something to watch while I finish my literature review paper 😂
Happy Easter Nuzz! A 9 hour video holy jesus!
Been here since Halloween 2020
Time to settle down for 9 hour vid
Such a delight to see your happy face in all the videoes.keep it going
You actually uploaded the full stream haha
happy Easter Nuzzgard, blessing us with a 9 hour video 😂
Holy shit this is insane length of a video.
Thank you for a nine hour video this will definitely pass the time till Easter ☺️
9 hours of pure fun. Thanks a lot for this!
Happy Easter!!
I am going to enjoy this over the whole weekend bois
I thought long video mean 1-2 hours not 9 ._.
Happy Easter Nuzz! Much love from Czech🇨🇿 I'm happy for this looong vid! Gotta watch it all night haha!
9 Hours video. Holy. My evening is saved xD
Happy easter Nuzz 🙂
he actually did it…
I gotta break this video up between my work days 😂 I’m stoked!!! Happy Easter, Nuzz!!
This stream got me through some serious preggo heartburn yesterday. Thanks for the dedication Nuzz!
You are crazy 😅🤣 I did not even take the time to fully pick all the eggs up on a single map lol. Very brave of you!
At 4:05:16 is where I thought I saw a blue egg in the corner when I said so on stream, but looking back I don't think it was, it was hard to tell, sorry Nuzz!
now i wanna know how long it took to render and upload this video probably like 10 years or something XD
All I can say is you’re a mad lad. What an enormous effort to find them all! I watched the stream with you, thanks for such an egg-celent stream.
Me 45 minutes into the video then realised it is 9 hours long
almost 10 Hours of Nuzzgard – what else can you wish for? °__°
I'll be honest, I thought the video said 9 minutes lol
This stream was awesome!
i had to go after prison, but I am shocked you managed to do asylum too? you are very dedicated!
Very impressive, over 9 hours…damn! I'm sure I'll enjoy all of it.
I'm going to watch this while I make Easter bread 😂 thanks for posting!
oh my I did NOT expect 9 whole hours 😭 good job! I wouldn't have the motivation to do this.
Oh god you actually made this a 9 hour video
(I asked if this would be 1 video for each map or 1 big video at 8:10:27 )
have a good Easter
Ah I see that you also got bugged eggs in prison. I was kinda sad that my egg hunt wasnt perfect…
Well since you spent almost 10 hours looking for easter eggs on Phasmophobia, I might just retain my sanity and pass on that. Good job, though!
9 HOURS VIDEO 😂😂😂😂💀💀?!
Holy s#it this must be a new record in some category, or at least very high on the top
It’s good to see you trying to find them all out of all the YouTuber I think only you would do such thing 😀😀
"Egg? Egg? Egg? Egg!" 😀
Not gonna lie, you deserve an achievement 👏
Fun fact: That noise when eating eggs is CJ smacking his lips haha
Ooh, I didn't realize that part. Now gonna have to try for it. Most of the houses I have got, I dont have all of the mediums though. Will work on that tomorrow. ;p Great job, Nuzz