I Found a way to be INVINCIBLE in Phasmophobia (WITHOUT BUGS)

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we show the most broken mechanic in Phasmophobia. There is a way to become invincible without using any glitch/bug/exploit/etc. this is an intended game mechanic that makes no sense. You can literally never get hunted while being at 0% sanity. Do you think they should fix this? Let me know!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7.2.0


32 thoughts on “I Found a way to be INVINCIBLE in Phasmophobia (WITHOUT BUGS)”

  1. It's an old bug… but no body uses it unless they're geniunely desprate for money cause it just defeat the purpose of playing the game. The fact that u know u won't die just makes playing the game pointless

  2. This only works about half of the time, some attack about 50% while others have abilities that don't account for sanity

    This is also quite a boring and risky way to play, each to their own I suppose

  3. Banshee bypasses this with one of it's mechanics. Not Early Hunt, that's demons now– Banshee targets and hunts on the Sanity of their target, unless that was changed too. (Someone get Psycho in here-)

  4. I like to play with 100% starting sanity and on a big map Ill just run around with candles until I find the cursed objects or some kinda clue.
    If you have multiple people, you can have 1 person hold a flashlight, candle and lighter and the others will only need a candle, no flashlight, so they have 2 empty slots for equipment. Only downside is they have to be close to the player with the lighter so he can light their candles.

    Since this will also keep you at 100% sanity, including average, you can tell if a demon uses his ability if you get a hunt (which actually happened the first time I used this strat lmao) or if a yokai hunts if you use voice chat.
    If you sometimes switch off your candles, youll slowly, very slowly, lose some sanity which could also tell you if you have a thaye which also happened to me before.

  5. For some reason, I always thought it was the average of all the people currently inside the house that determined the hunt. But, I guess that doesn't make sense either since a 0% person outside brings the average down.

  6. I mean having both average team sanity and average sanity of players in the house wouldn't be confusing at all.

    If everyone was in the house when a hunt started then you know the average sanity of everyone in the house cos it's the same number as average team sanity.
    If one person isn't in the house when a hunt starts they just gotta look at average sanity of players in the house during the hunt.

    Doesn't really seem like you'd need to do any math or get confused or have to work things out.

  7. In house sanity is a terrible idea. Imagine lobbies with random players and the highest sanity player walks back to the truck for an item. Griefing reported! No thanks :/

  8. I feel a better balance to this which still keeps the sanity monitor accurate would instead be to have other players sanity start to drop if they have not entered the house in a while, as well as a secondary check where if someone is 5 sanity or below then it starts to drain a balanced amount from each player fairly until the average reaches below 50 if it was not already.

  9. they didnt make it average of those in the house because who the $#%# is gona sit in the truck the whole time while someone else has all the fun in multiplayer. They never conceived of someone willing to do that so I doubt it will be removed, but if they did it likely will be as you said, average of those in the house.

  10. i think a good solution for confusing sanity against early hunting ghost is to only consider the lowest sanity player inside the house, this way you can still do things like swaping places on who goes in and who stays out, but if the low sanity player stays inside then the ghost will start hunting

  11. using the game mechanics for something that is unintended behavior is still exploitation. It is a gray line.
    Guild Wars 2 had an exploit where you could buy ingredients then mix them into recipes and sell them for profit. Infinite cycle.
    Not exactly the same but still an unintended behavior made possible with the game mechanics. Ppl were banned for abusing it.

  12. Maybe they shouldn't do anything with the sanity and hunting, but make you gain less money? Or maybe they can do something with the "total time inside" and "Time in the ghost room"?

  13. Wait…People didn't realize you could do this? It was literally the first thing that came to mind when I learned that ghosts hunt using average team sanity. I've even suggested this to plenty of people. I could have sworn it was common knowledge.

  14. I like what someone in chat said, truck-dwellers could lose sanity if they witness a ghost event through the cams. Maybe D.O.T.S., writing, and certain interactions as well. That feels like it would fit with the horror update they're planning. Taking the average of everyone in the house sounds obvious, but from a programming perspective, I think getting it to "feel right" would be hard due to all the edge cases. Imagine that you had 3 players inside on 60% each and you all went to leave, the door would close behind the first player.

  15. 20:02 The Mirror drains sanity from the moment you press the button to activate it to the moment its animation for putting it down ends. It takes 1 second to pull up the mirror when you trigger it and 1 more second to fully put it down, so that's a minimum of 15% sanity lost per use.


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