Door Safespots in Phasmophobia are gone? Not here on this channel 😉 Use them as long as you can if you want to have some fun with ghosts.
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Do you think they will remove doors soon? 😀
Try to run! Try to hide! Break on through to the other side!
I'm pretty sure I used these by mistake thinking they were legit when the original hiding spot nerf rolled out
lmao psycho is legend
Cant wait until insym will try it
Son unos PORNTINDER.Uno de los mejoresr conciertos Mañas no 8 se l 💯💞😍
Did you know you can go on the patio in ridgeview?
Psycho: Do you think the era of doors is over in phasmophobia?
Cj: Ah, shoot! Here we go again.
honestly i've been using some hiding spots using closet doors but now they're going to be removed soon [*]
best thing i've done, closed both the closet doors when it was full and hid in the small gap available in the middle.
this works sometimes and luckily it did for me, great sight of ghost as well (map was tanglewood, hallway closet)
Poor ghosts. I bet they must get a PTSD attack if you randomly throw a door at them and hold a potato into their faces (:
Psycho! Nein! Der arme CJ! Naughty!
Huh, I thought they fixed this in the last patch, or so I thought. 😮
Delete this! So the dev never finds it!!
i was doing this in vr months ago lmao
there it goes all my secrets
Few days ago while playing in VR I used this, as it was my only option. I was suprised but that worked suprisingly well.
ive been using it for months
That explains why I’ve been safe from hiding in a blocked closet
Next patch : "Due to player exploits we have removed houses from phasmophobia, as they were creating unexpected and undesired gameplay during hunts. New maps will consist of entirely open fields. Incidentally, all ghosts whill now spawn as revenants."
they will make a map with sliding doors
I think the reason why you use door hiding spots before was because there wasnt any good normal hiding spots, but now there are TONS of good safe spots. SO theres literally no point to keep trying to break the game and use doors anymore!
I did this in the Boys Bedroom on Tanglewood (the room with the outside window) in VR by accident. I panicked, forgot it was blocked, and shut the closet doors around me as much as I could. The ghost walked right up and I thought I was dead… but then I was teleported outside by the front door!? I think when the ghost walked up to me it happened to touch the closet door, closing it more, but since I had already closed them as much as I could it caused me to noclip into the boxes, sending me through the other side of the wall by the front door. It was a multiplayer match too and the ghost continued hunting! I couldn't believe my luck!
i managed to hide behind the bathrom door upstairs in egdefield
I watched your live with Insym and CJ, I was cornered in the last room in Edgefield and tried this trick, it actually worked and saved me 🤣🤣
Can we hide in the ghost spawn room?
i love how you and insym make these videos and they almost immediately become irrelevant because the team patches it within 24-48 hours 🤣
Hi Mate I think they may replace the doors with sliding ones.
I will try that trick today
well they are now because you just showed the devs…… again ….. why do people support this guy
Next patch, we are eliminating doors and only giving one safe spot per map because Psycho and Insym keeps on breaking the game. Xd
Yeah they might really remove doors if they will get angry about this
I already use this skill when before update in tangle wood im boys bedroom
CJ & DK:
For 5 minutes. . .
Can you not break the game
I was using them before, didn't know they were a safespot though, thanks for the warning video and I'll stop using them now ^^
They should just make you an official playtester before the patches drop at this point lol
CJ is waving hahahaha
i kinda did this yesterday and i think the only reason i lived was because the ghost didnt walk into the room
i did something like this in the edgefield boys bedroom but i didnot think of turning on my flashlight in the closet
Potato man, they are going to murder you eventually!
I like science content and appreciate the tons of information provided on mechanics/ghosts. However I am not keen on folks actively looking for exploits repeatedly in the game, that is something that should be done in Q&A or at least not public.
I've used this for ages you lil snitch xd
Mrs blob did this accidentally once
I have always done that same thing in Tanglewood boys bedroom when there was never a good hiding spot. I would squeeze myself behind the right door of the closet since it blocks most of the room and just chill there. I always wondered why no one else would do that. As long as you were blocking most of the room, you would be fine.
Is a Cleber teck bro, this spot style is old huehue
Insym playing tug of war against a ghost and winning when behind a door. XD
insyms gonna go bonkers hahaha