This is a solo nightmare mode match on the maple lodge campsite. Its a good match to guide beginners into Phasmophobia!
Discord here!
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We’ve been down with covid and missing stream! Glad I can catch up here – still haven’t seen the grudge ghost yet myself!
Great video 😁👍🏾
I found grudge in lvl 30 around lvl like that and its scared me the most it was like ghost from film called Circle
Your audio for the game is terrible
Can you make a video about the Yokai ghost? I was playing one time and it hunted me even though I still had a high sanity, I was also playing with a friend and the ghost shut the door but my friend was able to just open the door immediately, the hunt looked a lot like an event, it also ended immediately after it killed me and didn't go after my other friend that was also in the house-