I GOT ASSASSINATED – Phasmophobia [LVL 3293]

This ghost was INSANELY SMART. He managed to catch me completely off guard. This was the most surprising death I have ever had. Most hunts in Phasmophobia are completely trivial, this ghost proved that there is still ways to lose to normal ghosts! I hope you enjoy!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch


50 thoughts on “I GOT ASSASSINATED – Phasmophobia [LVL 3293]”

  1. I got caugt by a totally random Oni on Edgefield just recently, its room was the kitchen 3 events started from the kitchen so i thought smudge in the hallway run upstairs and everything will be fine, it wasnt finding me, so i thought ill just go and hide in the closet upstairs… it came out of the teen boys bedroom.. Dead

  2. Challenge idea: Use a random letter generator online and let that decide your key-binds, each game has to be different key-binds and you win once you get a perfect game. I would love to see this

  3. I got dunked on like that by a Phantom on Highschool

    It started it's hunt across the entire map from it's room, it was upstairs on the left side in the far back, as it's room.

    And it started it's hunt in the first room on the right when you enter highschool on the right side.

  4. So me and another person where in the house trying to get the ghost to hunt but the other person was getting really annoyed because it wasn’t hunting so I start giving suggestions and they didn’t work so I walked over to the area he was in and said “well the best way to get it to hunt is by saying one simple phrase… Bloody Mary” and boom the ghost starts hunting instantly and it was amazing

  5. Something like this happened to me today as well! I was playing Prison, and a Phantom decided to start a hunt in Library when its room was Cell Block A. I was not even in Library recently, nor did it manifest somewhere near there before. I swear, I've never had that happen to me before. I thought they had to teleport to their room to start a hunt!

  6. Love seeing the special ghost powers. This one is pretty rare to have afaik or at least to genuinely notice. Also every time you say what ghost type is your favorite(s) I swear it changes! So honorable mentions to Jinn and Spirit (Spirit for being a trickster). 😀

  7. Hi, Insym!
    Could you, please, try a challenge if you find it interesting. We've noticed you speak to ghosts a lot. So the challenge is NOT to press "airing" buttons and remain silent (for ghost, not for viewers) the whole time.


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