I Got BANNED From Phasmophobia! Phasmophobia Corruption AND Drama

I Got BANNED From Phasmophobia! Phasmophobia Corruption AND Drama

Welcome To My Channel! I play all things phasmophobia and horror games. Please subscribe to the channel to stay up to date on phasmophobia releases as well as new and upcoming horror games.

If you are new to phasmophobia, I have several videos that can help!

New Player Full Playthrough:

New Player 101 Guide:

Nightmare Mode Guide:

I also stream on twitch four days a week:




42 thoughts on “I Got BANNED From Phasmophobia! Phasmophobia Corruption AND Drama”

  1. Saying it isn't an exploit then saying it is, is quite far fetched to the main point. However, they have it plainly out there and people have noticed as time went on to do them. This is mainly hidden for creators but can post on a time of release such as YT? I find that odd but for me I would do the strict 24 hour/7day time from each daily/weekly without having to adjust the "time" if you wanted to do early for the timezones. This should be fixed without making the 7 day based on timezones but time limit for a dedicated timezone. (not the other way around to "exploit"). That is my point of seeing this. I do agree that one person was "allowed" then kept doing until others have noticed. But wasn't allowed after all. It is how to make things heated and the devs will need to fix this.

  2. The devs definitely showed favoritism, but you didn't get banned for pointing that out. You got banned for revealing this exploit to the world. The thing they explicitly told you you would get banned for doing in these messages.

    Everyone sucks here.

  3. Watched the whole video, and to be honest, you could’ve quietly posted the weekly challenges and no one would’ve gave a 2nd thought about it.

    Insym and Psycho chose to work with the Phasmo devs and only upload exploits and how they work after they are patched or without details.
    Too bad that you’re a content creator that relies on uploading exploits tutorials on the live patch.

    And for some exploits, it breaks the game in big ways that the devs cannot fix very easily and in this case you shouldn’t be uploading about it.

  4. This can't be a exploit because they are the ones that made it based on your computer time and they have no right to dictate what players have their time set too.
    the fuck???
    There should be many ways you could change this so its not network depended nor this fucking easy to exploit???.

    Fucking like
    " I changed *MY* computers time, To play *MY* game, that *I* own, On a game mode *I* want to and earn a *UNIMPORTANT* badge and earn *FAKE* money to buy *GAME ITEMS* That only cost me time to get, to make *MY* game more fun for *MY* own enjoyment, but I get banned for it when I tell others about the issue."
    Full fucking believe that someone at least one had known about this glitch and has been using it. I bet a whole slew of people because its a exploit that once its found by the wider community they are forced to fix or leave be.

  5. That whole situation sucks. I personally think its still wrong to reveal exploits like this. This will definitely force devs to work more for fixing this huge thing. Also, as far as i see in this conversation, they pointed out that they didnt care as much, while it wasnt really known, basically until you called it out in creator section. I dont really see anything That bad in this part, but i 100% agree they also could have a better approach for this situation.

    Why that part wasnt bad? In my opinion, being content creator doesnt specifically mean "trusted". And that's it. Its that simple. Yes, Psycho did use one of the core problem of the mechanic for its advantage until it did go public. I guess everyone in his place would have did same. Still it is less bad that pointing and calling it out like that, to be as much "loud" as possible, for the exploit part.

    Again, this whole situation sucks, and i hope both sides will find more peaceful way for conversation, lol. At least i hope this is still possible, which easily should.

  6. you right man, i came to the channel through phasmophobia. i feel bad for you that the devs are being so blind intentionally just to further other creators. i agree that exploits are either fully usable or not at all and that they were completely unapologetic about the fact that they gave permission for psycho to do that for an entire year. that is what is mind blowing for mek

  7. and now when they take weeklys away cause people are exploiting the weeklys! we know who we can blame I see it Both Sides are in the wrong and was not handled approipiately!

  8. The first screen shot – "Do not share this with the community please" – lmao bro you cooked yourself on this. You got upsetting spaghetti over something that's not a big deal and dug your heels in. I'm not even a die hard fan of the other streamers in question nor am I a kinetic apologist. This just became childish petty shit when you decided to make the video. It sounds like they were willing to tell people to stop using it and you still had to make it a big deal

  9. Wow. Just wow. They really admitted it blatantly, then said 'its not a problem unless others do it'. Actual blackmail to hold CC's accts over the fire like this. This is your own content community…how do you not care about most of them??? This makes a huge difference for creators and their livelihoods…. an 'oopsie, did I do that?' apology doesnt cut it. DK just didn't want to be called out on such conceited nepotism. Shameful. #justiceforbaron #freebaron #WeBackBaron

  10. Dude, I am so sorry to hear that you were banned! But you are right, it was clearly a case of classic favoritism on the Dev. team's part, and they did the only thing that they felt they could do to shut you up, but that only opened up an even BIGGER can of worms for them! I wish you the best, and I know that they will feel the pain of their loss of you!

  11. Elitism is not only devs plague, similar people run phas speedrun boards, no surprise. Similis simili gaudet. I wonder if DK developed a utility showing ghost type and stuff and it is shared in private.

  12. Regardless, they DID ask you not to post a video about the exploit or you would be removed… And you did it anyway. Sounds like you're just trying to one up the devs, and they put you in your place. And sorry, but your content is NOWHERE near as great as Insym, Psycho and some other awesome gamers. Get over yourself and your ego…..

  13. I looove insym but he uses exploits in front of the devs (like the tent one) and they laugh about it. Yes it gets fixed because he shows them but… I just don’t get this. I 100% see your side to this. There’s a bit of favoritetism it seems. You did a lot for the game and they just kick you like youre chopped liver because you aren’t psycho or insym and you stood up for the right situation and stood your ground. They wanted you to just back off and let it go. I think if they’re smart they’ll apologize and unban you and have an honest conversation about how it wasn’t fair what happened in the situation.

  14. Wow, definitely on your side here Baron. That is definitely an unfair advantage. Hopefully everyone will see this and then they will HAVE to fix it from "inside" their system. What I can't get over is how contradictory the devs were being, even in their rebuttles…

  15. Incredible how a community can seem so tight-knit on the outside, and then come to this. Happy to hear about things like this because it shows the true side of the devs we buy from. Hard to consider supporting phas further after this.

  16. I was in Shuee's channel once during a Christmas event. I mentioned you could force yourself on top of one of the snowmen in the lobby. Instantly, a moderator told me not to post bugs/exploits due to wishes from the devs. I unfollowed and never watched another stream. It was just something neat you could do, and didn't affect gameplay. This kind of stuff makes people not want to support them, and why I haven't played Phas in a longgg time. They took the fun out of it.

  17. That is crazy man, they have honestly just lost one of their better content creators! It boils down to making sure that if you are going to make rules for partners it should be uniformed to all partners and no special priviledges given to one person so that they have an unfair advantage! Wow!

  18. I wait for you and Flash to post the weekly, even after seeing it live in Twitch. After seeing this, that person will not have any support from me. They are doing it for views and that is bullshit…. Love you 👻😘👻😘.

    Btw, it is showing favoritism…

  19. This hits close to home. I'm sorry you are fighting this battle. Even with outside support you will never change a system like this. The DEVS like it this way. The DEVS want to give their friends an advantage over others, especially a monetary one. Which having access to content before others for a year definitely would give you a monetary boost. The people who would look for that content could only be directed at towards one content creator until someone else put a their video as an option. Keep in mind, due to the algorithm the first video about a topic has the edge and newcomers will likely watch a more viewed video then others. Imagine how many people would get directed to that first content creator, how many follows and subscribers they got as a result. It's callus to pretend the DEVS didn't know they were letting someone benefit monetarily.

  20. tbh they are in the wrong if they knew he was doing it than they were allowing it to happen he had consistently did it but the one time you do it to show it off it's a problem realistically they should have banned him too it is completely on the Devs not you since it should have been maintained early on rather than you showing an example of it giving an advantage and than getting banned.

  21. Dev : don't make it public or you'll get banned
    CC : Does exactly that, + reposts it many times against moderation to provoke them, gets banned and then blames them.
    Easy drama, easy views, while ensuring devs get harassed by crazy people from the internet. Good job, you did it !

  22. I'll be honest, at the beginning I wasn't on your side. But after reading all the messages I now am… I love Phasmo, but tbh I have never liked the devs, I don't think they're particularly good at a lot of things, ignoring the game itself, one of those thing they're not so good at is public relations, and this truly shows it. More then one dev acting like this and not seeing the problem shows its not the issue of an individual, but the ideology of the dev team itself, and that is just scary.


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