In this Phasmophobia series, I show how I’d level a new account using only default difficulties (kind of) and respecting new player map and difficulty unlocks.
Enjoy! 🙂
Series Playlist:
All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:
0 Evidence Guide:
My 0 Sanity 0 Evidence Settings:
Connect with me here:
#phasmophobia #maggstor
We need a new series ASAP! I can't get enough of em !!
ima miss this series 🙁
To arrange your items on hand, dont throw the igniter because it is on the special slot. Instead, pick incense after swapping from igniter so that the incense is after the igniter. Then the camera, then the salt. (by default, the slot arrangement is like this = Slot 1,2,3 and igniter.)
Hope this helps.
I believe you can get EMF during the hunt – just drop the EMF in the path of the ghost near a group of objects. I don't think it can read EMF while the ghost is near (malfunctioning), but if the ghost throws anything and moves away I believe it works.
Whyd you start a new account?
Rev was my gold trophy ghost too… took me like 1 hour and 45 mins to get the courage to get the ghost photo..
What the hell, you’re so lucky give me some of the luck 😭
7:43 you can put them in order how you want as long as you just don't drop the lighter. The lighter seems to have a predefined spot. I always pick up a lighter and never drop it now that they have made it have a special slot. Then when going for photos like you were, I will grab the amudge then scroll grab cam scroll and grab the final item. I do the same with cursed items when going for photos. Like with music box/monkey paw, camera, smudge.
7:30 you gotta hold lighter then grab items in order
Your video inspired me so, i tried and accomplished this challenge today! I kind of did it twice, because the first one was a Yokai, it was as deaf as my broken 50% speed legs. i waited for a long time for it to finally notice me inside the chappel (it was literally passing through the doors of the chappel and didn't notice me!) Then i finally took the photo, hid myself and getting out was easy since it is too deaf. The problem is… i was using the crappiest camera and i didn't check the photo so, the ghost photo didn't register. I had to try again and it was a Deogen, so another easy win!
Ty for your videos! You help us newbies a lot.
I'm glad i found this channel, I want to get every achievement in this game but i feel like the gold challenge is going to be a struggle. so much to learn