Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I FINALLY encounter the Yurei power. I have never seen this ghost type use its power before. It’s seemingly extremely rare. It’s also really bad because it only lowers your sanity by 14%?!?! Which is kind of ridiculous because the Yurei is supposed to be the ghost with a strong effect on the players sanity. I really hope they buff the Yurei in the future. Let me know what you think! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.1.1
That reminds me when my friend and I were playing a game. We had a bit of trouble finding the ghost room in high school. The two of us returned to the van and noticed our sanity was at 80-ish percent. Whenever we go to larger maps, we always keep candles on us at least until we find the room and identify the ghost. This made me think it was a yurei and I was right, it was.
Would be cool if Yurei's got faster as your sanity/sanity average got lower
So they would be almost rev speed if you're clomping around with 0% sanity but cold Hantu speed when you're at 50%.
Something like that might make them a bit spookier and also play into the whole extra sanity drain thing they're supposed to have~ 😀
According to the Phasmo wiki, the Yurei ability isn’t a random chance, but rather it causes double the sanity drain of all other ghosts when it manifests. This means on the highest difficulty, you’re losing 0.8% sanity per second when within 10 meters of the ghost manifesting rather than the typical 0.4% per second.
On small maps, it results in a lot of sanity drain especially.
The drop must've happened between the first time you went to the truck (90% Sanity) and the second time you went back (60% sanity). Everything else I believe was natural drain. That's awesome, I never knew this was a thing.
At 5:16 I think that took the cake for strange sound of the day
I disagree that people in single player won't realize that their sanity is dropping faster…..🤣 because it's the only ghost doing it…….they'd have to apply fast sanity drain to maybe 2 freezing and 2 non freezing ghosts. But that would make yurei super trash tier again. The yurei should stay how it is because it better you be caught off guard. You literally just found the ghost and it took no real time at all and then you pretty much got hunted. 🤣 Also your sanity didn't drop with the emf as result of sanity drop. All your emfs were interactions this game
before you got hunted you were 64% so It was an actual functioning yurei
Ghost-photo or it didn't happen
you always seem to have such nice people in your lobbies, I wish I could see more like that.
The smudge thing you mentioned would be a cool mechanic but it shouldn’t be applied to all ghosts, I think there should be some ghosts where smudging it’s room actually makes it angry resulting in ghost events you can technically force. To make it fair though I think this should only work when you reach a certain sanity
55% you lost
Start Phasmophobia today for this spooky moment ! Get fresh meat lv1 my ghost . Dude get Yurei'd wonderful this timing at 9:25
If they will make Kerbal Ghost Program, you will be their Jebediah Kerman, The ultimate legend and all-round lad, fearless and professional, Insym Kerman.
Let's crunch the raw sanity drain
1) Enter house at 0:56 (never turned on any lights)
2) Leave house at 2:31, returns at 2:50 (minus 19 seconds)
3) Leaves house at 4:26, enters at 4:46 but is candle rushing until 4:50 (minus 24 seconds)
4) Ghost begins hunt at 5:15, ends hunt at 6:09
5) Insym leaves house at 6:18
This gives us a total of 4 minutes 19 seconds (minus 19 seconds spent in the truck), in the dark until the hunt began.
Sanity drain for a small map is (0.12/sec)* 216 seconds = 27.12 Sanity lost -> 72.88 Raw Sanity remaining at first hunt.
(the x2 Professional and x1/2 Solo modifiers cancel each other out, so they're not factored in here)
Obviously, this was not the true sanity by the time the first hunt began; this is just time lapse to normalize.
1 minute 3 seconds between the start of the hunt and Insym exiting the house gives us a final raw running total of (4 min 39 sec *0.12 = 33.48 OR ~66 sanity remaining by raw)
When Insym checks his sanity at 6:23, it's 39% (middle value of [37, 41]).
This gives us a total difference of ~28%. Since there was no manifestation or other sanity draining activity, that must have been the Yurei's unique power.
NOTE: 4:30 Insym's sanity is ~60%. Due to candle running for a few seconds, there is only 25 seconds of passive sanity drain between his second truck visit and when the hunt begins at 5:15, which would only drain 3 sanity passively. So at some point in those 25 seconds, the Yurei must have used its power because Yurei's can't hunt above 50% sanity.
I did some research and he went into the bus 2 times before the Yurei used his ghost ability. The sanity was at 90% the first time, then dropped to 63% on the second time. Now at 38/40%. I think the ghost used the ability twice on him and not even knowing
actually got 3 of these over the past 5 days, but it didnt do its full power until last night australian time, and it scared the hell out of me and my friend, I knew yurei got stronger after the other 2 versions.
Yurei Buff:
Increased chance to trigger a ghost event in which it physically manifests outside of your line of sight; such as around corners and in other rooms (so you can't always take easy photos, more exposure to its sanity draining aura passive). Furthermore, during a hunt, the Yurei moves 0.5% faster for every 1% sanity missing when below 50% sanity (bonus speed is 0% at 50% remaining sanity, maximum speed is +25% at 0% remaining sanity).
And U got double yureid. Your sanity was 90 at 2:27, around 4:30 you were 62 and got hunted half a min later…
Great experience 😀
I think your sanity looked to be 60 somethingish percent in the truck trip before the hunt.
I had a Goryo drop my sanity instantly to Zero as I got into the house I didn't expect it
Someone in the stream chat asked, "why are all the social media sites down" haha
At 3:15
Some people in twitch chat, omg. "I swear it drops by 40%!". How anyone can be so confident when blatantly lying is mind blowing to me.
Like, "I have no idea what I am talking about, but I'll look extremely competent for twitch chat points."
Too bad I can't really express what I feel about this due to yt comment policy.
I got emf5 kinda reading in the truck but then got dots fingers and spirit box and it was a phantom. Should I look at the truck thing or should I focus on the hard evidence. Also the gost was super active and as soon as I entered the basement of tanglewood it just switched off the lights and I had many gostevents
I never get Yureis
My friend's idea of hiding is crouching in an open corner with the lights on 🤦
Oh, hello! It was nice playing with you just then, spooked you good!
idk if anyone answered but you had about 64% Sanity, averaging at 64%, when you went out to pick the candle up (Time Stamp: 4:38)
4:45/4:46 – Re-enters the house
4:50 – Sets candle on table
4:58 – Interaction on the table.
5:06 – Blows out candle
5:13/5:14 – Hunt Starts.
6:23 – New Sanity: 40% averaging out at 37%
**Time stamps added and edited for a stamp after you picked up the Candle
I could've sworn the Yurei'd always had a fair shot of plummeting your sanity lol
it dropped 50% percent sanity
Hi stream chat!
Haha, I watched this during stream. When you just up and left after that photo I was done 🤣
I wish the Yurei had an ability was that they will hunt more often the lower your sanity. Like Demon level chain hunting below like 20-30 sanity or something. That and make the sanity drop ability a little more often, that way you can just suddenly get dropped to very low sanity and get chain hunted a bunch and die horribly. May make finding Yureis easier, but they would be a bit more scary. Dunno what I would want as a weakness, though…
Enter the house at 55 seconds into the video, so no chance of sanity loss for the first fifty five seconds. 90% sanity at 2:36, 4:30 60% then a hunt at 5:14. Yurei definitely needs a buff, double passive loss, it just doubles sanity loss from the things the ghost actively does, minus Ouija board since doubling that would be very noticeable, or just shift around the numbers, maybe a smaller percentage loss but at a MUCH higher chance, high enough that it probably happened even if the players haven't noticed it.
every ghost is a freezing ghost until proven otherwise
not sure if anyone else checked but this was the sanity before and after first hunt
sanity before first hunt was around 65-60% after hunt was 40%
This vid has a spoiler for the Rage Quit vid lol.
Have you played resident evil 7 or 8?
When you first went to the truck your sanity was at 90% so thats a huge drop all the way to 35%
The perfect way to buff a Yurei would be to increase the probability of his ability to occur + remake the ability to temporarily drop the sanity so it can initiate a hunt but when you get back to the truck it would show high sanity (not in hunt territory)
I've had the yurei chunk my ass all the time
You lost about 20%
I feel like when they add hallucinations in if they do end up doing that. yurei's abilities will get some sort of update with that. perhaps you will hallucinate more around the yurei because you go insane quicker 🙂
I love how I'm gravitated towards how cute the chat is during… around 8:57, cause someone starts saying "Hi YT" and everyone else follows.
That's just cute
Had a an early hunting, chain hunting banshee once. We found a Ouija board, and I had the bright idea to use it to track down the ghost and my friend was using the EMF… turns out the ghost room was the same room as the board. I asked "Are you friendly" and It immediately appeared behind my friend and killed him. I spend the next five two minutes desperately trying to get out, as she chain hunted the shit out of me.
So, I know it's late, and it's probably not your concern anymore, but you loss ~30% sanity in 1min30sec, and then 10+% sanity in a matter of seconds to allow the Yurei to hunt you for the first time. When you left the house 1min30sec later again (after entering it, before the hunt), you had loss a further ~20% sanity, while walking from the entrance to the ghost room with a candle in your hand for a few seconds.
Idk what kind of power it is, but it really sounds like it was used multiple time if it's just a global sanity drop. Which is weird if it's supposed to be rare, tho.